And by Extension
By orgratis
The Jackson Co Extension Service has demonstration gardens to show what grows in hot dry summers. Nothing too exotic but a few plants caught my eye, some of which I posted in my pictures. Here’s a brief glimpse.
Let’s leave the traffic, power lines, & ugly bits behind
at the entrance to the gardens.
Looking down in the rock garden, there’s
Knautia with some Autumn Crocus
Achillea ageratifolia, Greek Yarrow
The Rosemary is abuzz with bees.
A little border music with
Aster lancifolia “Dark Prince” pinched way back to mound
Verbascum “Letitia”
Gallarida and Zauschneria is a winning combination
as are the fluffy heads of Autumn Joy and spikes of Maguerittaville Yucca.
My daughter photographed her Tee shirt to go with this plant:
This Jinglebells rose twinkles
while the Fairy seems to need some clapping to revive her.
She has some borage for courage which also has reseeded by
Euphorbia wulfenii.
Callicarpa Beautyberry creates a shady nook for
Aegopodium podagraria variegatum or Bishop’s Weed, with an unlabeled fuzzy white flowering subshrub.
Here’s a detail:
Anyone know what this is?
(Haven’t found the macro lens on the camera yet.)
Thought this Phormium was pretty, backlit by the pomegranates.
The Extension Service also grows food for the community.
They gave away 34,000 pounds of produce this summer, and made
cider from their apples.
This is a pear growing valley, a bowl nestled in the mountains, so they test different varieties.
Well, this gives you some idea of the area, if nothing very exciting.By now the battery had died, of course, and I wandered home, yawning, to load my photos, musing.
Catalin had gotten a present in the mail.
And now for something completely different…
killer rabbits!!!
And that’s all she wrote.
24 Oct, 2009
Previous post: Musical Houses on Quince St.
Next post: Enhancing the Old, Planting for the Future
Lol nice to meet you Orgratis lovel the rabbits, some lovely plants you have chosen to have especialy the autum crocus, jingle bells rose, Aegopodium, yes that is a Phormium as my son has this one. You can get a dark leaf one also a varigated leaf one.
24 Oct, 2009
Speak to us, OG!
Lovely blog! LOL! Dont know what the white fluffy thing is, but its lovely!
Catalin, put your mum down!
24 Oct, 2009
Here in Oz we have feral rabbits... looks like yours came out of the same mould!!
25 Oct, 2009
Interesting . :o)
25 Oct, 2009
Very interesting loved your photos and blog...
25 Oct, 2009
Can't pronounce "Caerbannog" so didn't mention the provenance of the killer bunnies. Not having a handy hand grenade of Antioch or even the female cone of a cycad, I had to tickle off the attack! Very nice of the Knights who say "Ni" to donate their shrubbery tolls to the extension service, eh?
There's a fair rose collection there, but looking a little blown after a few near freezes. Catalin bought me a new battery for the camera (war reparations :-D !) so perhaps can get more pix for you rose aficionados. What fun this is!
25 Oct, 2009
Say that again? In english, please? I'm lost! LOL!
25 Oct, 2009
Monty Python, Marie? A mildly successful British comedy group, proud to still be offending people 40 years later? The flying killer rabbit of the cave of Caerbannog, and beast of Aaaaaaaarrrrrrggggggh, the Knights Who Say Ni: Quick, go rent a copy of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and catch up on all the jokes you've been missing! Are we living on the same planet? Try for Who mourns the French, a StarTrek episode dubbed with Grail script, sans coconuts.
26 Oct, 2009
I see! Was never into Python!! Lol!
26 Oct, 2009
Sob. I will pray to Our Lady of Misspent Youth to intercede for you!
26 Oct, 2009
LOL! I dont think they're funny! I'm a scot & their humour is just too 'English'. It just doesnt gel with me!
26 Oct, 2009
And what's my excuse? When Catalin was around 8 yo, I rented some of Python's skits, not really paying attention to which, but performing my maternal duty to warp her mind. It was the exploding fat guy, which so grossed her out she couldn't watch Python for another 10 years. Now one of her favorite asides is to mutter, "It was only a breath mint."
26 Oct, 2009
LOL! I remember that, it was disgusting!! How old is she?
27 Oct, 2009
She's 22 now (she is the woman to blame, see above). She memorizes whole scripts of oddball stuff; I can't keep track of what she riffing off most of the time. (e.g.a youtube review of Manamana led to ROTFLMAO with singing World of Warcraft icons. To make it worse, she says Manamana was a Muppet riff off a Swedish porn film! What do I know?) So are there any films you'd recommend with good Scots humor?
27 Oct, 2009
Films, not sure! Will ask for ideas tomorrow! But for comedy, I love "Chewin' the fat" & Billy Connelly, but you might find the accents difficult! Both Glaswegian, & as an Edinburgh girl (opposite side of country) I dont always understand them!! LOL!
I'll get my thinking cap on & gt back to you!
27 Oct, 2009
We put the English subtitles on most UK DVDs...!
27 Oct, 2009
LMAO!!! Brilliant! You need them for the Scottish ones!!
I'm off to bed, up in 6 hours!! :~((
Talk later!
27 Oct, 2009
Recent posts by orgratis
- Enhancing the Old, Planting for the Future
4 Nov, 2009
- Musical Houses on Quince St.
24 Oct, 2009
- Quince St Water Features
25 Sep, 2009
- A Stroll around Quince St seeing my neighbors' fall gardens
20 Sep, 2009
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Brilliant, OG!!!!
OG! OG!....are you still alive, or have the killer bunnies got you??????
24 Oct, 2009