frankanpond lol
By noseypotter
here at last is frank the 17 week old french bulldog we got.hes realy chilled and layed back with a walnut whip for a tail lol.well you cant say we havnt got a good mixture of breeds across the have more but im verging on being one of them mad animal collecters who end up with a 150 cats gonna breed sausage and blanche and ive never bean able to have a litter of pups till now without keeping one .it doesnt bode well lol.ow and heres yours truley on the edge of this pond project to give you a sense of perspective.its all going to plan so far so its all good.waterfall gargoyels next i cant weight but i dont think ill be doing any more ponds its killing my back.i had to get me mates mother inlaw to carry bags of sand the the other day.i felt a right plonker lol
2 Apr, 2009
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Isn't that what women are supposed to do?
Men are meant for the more delicate tasks where a bit of technology is required.
He's a lovely looking pup Nosey. Must be great to have all your dogs around you.
2 Apr, 2009
The new recruit looks cute :o)
2 Apr, 2009
He is beautiful Np...nurture him as the others and he will be just fine !!
2 Apr, 2009
a lovely pup np , I am saying this quietly coz I reckon Frank will here me talking with them lugs.,
You are making a great job of the pond , hope the back eases off a bit so you can get on with the gargoyles im bursting too see em. . . . . . . . . . .. .lady labourers!!! . . .whit are you like!!!!!!!
cheers np
3 Apr, 2009
Cant wait to see how the pond turns out NP. Its looking brill at the moment, shame about the back it must curb you creativeness,
3 Apr, 2009
Love your puppy, and your pond is coming on realy well.
3 Apr, 2009
Hi NP. Frank looks fab, the sleeping photo of him looks like one of those puppy in your pocket toys - big head little body!.
Cant wait to see how you are going to do your gargoyles - you could do a Frank shaped one!!!
3 Apr, 2009
i do get a few dragon flies but there youg will eat all your baby fish.they are stunning .millions of years ago dragon flies had a 3 foot wingspan.they must of bean something to behold.not long for the gargoyels now.just got to build the water fall to put them on lol .he is such a laid back puppy especialy considering he didnt have any training in all the 17 weeks.i trained merkins pups in the litter box strate away.lucky we got him cheep or i would going to do a big dragons head spitting the water in the water fall i think and then gargoyels on the waterfall going into the pond.i love my dogs there brilliant especialy if your lonley or sad they know and seam concerned.i would so do hands on garden design for a living if my back aloud me but hay ho you cant work with what you havnt got so is life.franks ears are like rabbits lol hes a powerfull little dog.he gives blanche a good run for her money lol.glad you like the pond take care and thanx bye for now
3 Apr, 2009
Wow! I never knew that about dragonflies! I will shudder in terror when I see them now! lol!!
Cats, as well as dogs, know when you're down. They are such a godsend!
How did your back get so bad? Do you have acupuncture or Osteopathy on it? I have both regularly for my neck and back prob's.
3 Apr, 2009
Frank is gorgeous Nosey, I love those ears! the pond is looking great too, I can't wait to see the final result. Don't injure yourself though and do get people lifting for you; you want to enjoy it.
3 Apr, 2009
yes i love my dogs craft wouldnt be a home without a dog as far as im concerned.dragonflies are beautifull but not nice if your smaller than them.i do get someone doing the heavy stuff its just the position im in more than anything.ive got spondiloses catching chickens 40,000 a night between 4 of us .
3 Apr, 2009
per night
3 Apr, 2009
NP Frank is so cute he reminded me of a little Gizmo with those ears ., he,s found a first class home with you ..
More people suffer from back problems than anything else , myself son and daughter in this family .. I have done the rounds of Acupuncture,Osteopathy , you name it i,ve tried it , they don,t last you might as well save your money !
Try to be very carefull NP .. do get other people to help you , they don,t mind .really ..
The big problem is that they never seem to be around when you want them !!
Will you make the gargoyle with shaped wire as you did the other sculptures , I can,t wait to see it finished :o)
4 Apr, 2009
hello amy yes frank does look like gizmo lol.hes got a great home as it goes .backs never get better and i shouldnt be doing this but i must lol i do get help though.yes im going to make the shaped wire over the front of the waterfall so it fits perfectly on there.i got some plumming fittings to use so the water can come out at different hights or seam to.thats the bit im realy going to enjoy the bit i think will make the pond as it goes.take care amy bye for now
4 Apr, 2009
your puppy is soooooooooo cute, i love dogs, infact all animals, i have a cat princess angelina, use to have a lab she was my best friend, would love another but baz isnt quite as into dogs as me, im working on him lol. been through your pics and im speachless, so much to take in, wacky but fantastic, you are very talented , lovely family to, will keep looking :))
4 Apr, 2009
thanx sanbaz dogs are better than most peope
5 Apr, 2009
i totally agree noseypotter, give me animals any day, so loyal and dont answer back, or nag ha ha
5 Apr, 2009
egsactly lol and they dont lye and cheat you get out what you put in
5 Apr, 2009
soooooooo true :)
5 Apr, 2009
and there my best friends realy
5 Apr, 2009
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Awwwww, Frank looks sooooo cute!!! Those ears look huge on him at the moment, he looks funny!!! My cat Tigger had huge back feet til he grew into them!!
You've done well to give any of your babies away noseypotter! Good luck with breeding Sausage and Blanche.
Your pond is looking amazing, can't wait to see it full of water and plant life! Do you have any dragonflies that visit? They can take up to 4 years, is it, to emerge? The mind boggles!!!
2 Apr, 2009