Chat'in Mulberries
By mulberry
I’m new to this, (not the garden tho’) thats not to say I know a lot !!! The spring has arrived , no its not, then wait again yes it has. In the last few weeks its been ‘’ has it started or not, all the buds out then the frost, will nature get round this change in the weather. My damson tree’s look really full of blossom (they are young 3, 4 & 5 yr old trees I’v put in), I do love damsons,makes fantasic jam & jelly. Lost a great ‘Bramley’ apple tree this year, cant see why, it was a very productive one. no sign of desease perhaps from below at roots! any sugestion please.
I’m looking out from my desk onto a ‘Camillia Tree, its grown tall (perhaps too tall) it was of a few shrubs that were here in the garden when we came, not sure of its name, its very pink, double, an early one, has many flowers on and a blackbirds nestin it.
I’m having a back operation next week, still got loads of plants to put in yet, not posible after op as it takes 3 mnths recoupe, Hope its not too soon to put them in.I’m sad already to miss best part of year.still some weeds will have thier day this year, but as Arnie says ’I’ll be Back’
Happy Digging Guys
10 Apr, 2008
Thanks u r kind, speak soon.
10 Apr, 2008
Hi Mulberry - sorry to hear about your operation. I wish you a speedy recovery. Keep logging in, won't you!
10 Apr, 2008
Hi Mulberry, best wishes for when you go in for ur op xx.... hopefully we on the GOY site will keep you entertained while you recoupe. loads of books and you will be an expert by the time your better and we can ask for your advice.
10 Apr, 2008