Leaf bed planting
By moon_grower
This morning we sowed savoy and primo cabbage seed in the leaf area of the moon bed – as this is a day for working with plants who’s leaves you eat – it will be another couple of weeks before we can do anything with the cauliflowers or broccoli.
That done we wandered down to look at the shrubbery garden at Brodie Castle – Bulbaholic should be putting up some pix later :-)
It has been a great long weekend, mostly sunny, the only snag being a desiccating wind. We saw two swallows sitting on a telephone wire this morning as I was pegging out the washing, we have a whirly gig in the working part of the garden and peg out washing when we can – saves on electricity and is better for the environment AND the sheets smell wonderful after being dried in the sun and wind! So two swallows, summer is on its way…
13 Apr, 2009
Previous post: Yet more seed planting...
Next post: There is growth!
We were totally amazed... the swallows don't usually appear until May - hope they can find some bugs to eat as it is early for them too!
13 Apr, 2009
This Moon Gardening is really interesting me. I've never heard of it before. I'd love to see some pics sometime to see the difference between what grows with this and normal growing. Fascinating stuff.
It always amazes me how many different types of gardening there is. It wasn't so long ago that people just stuck things in the ground and hoped for the best, lol.
15 Apr, 2009
Hi Llew
Welcome to GoY once there is something to see I will certainly be taking photos... right now pix. of bare earth would be a little boring I fear :-)
In particular I want to take photos of the veggies at harvest time to see if there is a visible difference between the ones grown by the moon or not.
15 Apr, 2009
Well, I'll have to stay with GOY and see them then, lol.
I love pics of bare earth by the way..ha,ha.
When do you expect your first harvest then? I mean, does it literally mean that for example, next full moon you should have a plant ready for harvest....?
15 Apr, 2009
Not at all we are only just sowing the seeds... we wont be harvesting any crops for months. Growing by the moon does not suddenly speed up the process to 28 days lol
As a starter to help you understanding you could download this free sample of In Tune with the Moon 2009 go to http://www.findhornpress.com/free-sample-ebooks-35/in-tune-with-the-moon-2009-free-ebook-sample-265.html
15 Apr, 2009
Ha, lol. No, I didn't expect it did, hun. What I meant was, can you predict exactly when to expect a crop. Doh!!!! don't know why I didn't put it that way before, lol.
I'm off to read that book now. Thanks for that.
15 Apr, 2009
Following the calendar once, for example, the peas are ready for harvesting I will need to check to see if it is a good day for harvesting vegetables that we eat parts of that grow above the ground if it is I will harvest, if it isn't I'll wait until it is - which is only a matter of days... This does mean if you want peas and it isn't a day for harvesting them you either have to say 'sod it' and harvest them anyway or be patient... for this year at least we will also have the control bed so can harvest peas from there any day we like.
I remember a couple started practicing growing by the moon last year in a serious way and the wife did find it difficult - in fact she eventually rebelled :-)
15 Apr, 2009
Hmmmm, interesting. I can't imagine waiting for a 'good day' for harvesting, lol. Thanks, moongrower.
I've downloaded the book so will have a good read later. This is fascinating me.
15 Apr, 2009
Well keep tuned as they say and you will get to read exactly what happens - no punches pulled...
15 Apr, 2009
I certainly will. Thank you. :-)
15 Apr, 2009
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How lovely - I must keep my eyes open for their arrival. :-)
13 Apr, 2009