Gardeners world
By mookins
this shows how much of a non gardener I am. very good friend (craftnutter) told me to watch gardeners world the other day. So I did. get this though having never really been into gardening i know nothing and blow me… potatoes. WOW did not realise thats how they grew!!
I didnt think they flew in from the potato stork or anything that mad but when i see potato seeds in shops etc I always think they dont put many in a bag and that be that!! the chap was showing how 3 potato seeds in the ground can produce at least a good sized half bucket of spuds…each!! I am trully amazed my hubby even sat and said what a bargain!!
so although Im not sure whether its a bit late to plant them now, i have bought myself 3 grow bags and am off to read up on which potatoes to grow. Am trully stunned as we go through loads of spuds (eat them everyday) fingers crossed I can grow my own
x x x x
13 Apr, 2009
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no its not to late. get them in soon though.
13 Apr, 2009
I have ordered some potato sacks they haven't come yet though :( looking forward to growing them, will let everyone know how well they do, if they arrive!!!
13 Apr, 2009
ooh sewingkilla we can have a potato corner, updating on our potato growth hehe
x x
13 Apr, 2009
I have potatoes to grow in tubs. I haven't planted them yet .
13 Apr, 2009
Hi Mookins dont no much about veg growing thought your blog was very funny
13 Apr, 2009
Well - we all should learn something new every day to keep our brains active, so 'they' say - and you have!
13 Apr, 2009
We grew potatoes for a couple of years....we always had so many it was hard to know what to do with them all. Good luck with your experiment. I'm sure you'll end up with some lovely spuds. :o)
14 Apr, 2009
ooh blodyn can join potato tub corner too hehe
thanks for all your messages guys,I have chosen to do the Maris Piper. According to the "potato Council"
(yes i know how mad does that sound, hope they dont charge me council tax on the space I have for my spuds!!)
they are one of the good all rounders as I love all kinds of ways to do potatoes although chips Id happily switch for a plate of mash.
x x x
14 Apr, 2009
get them in and soon be having your own spuds for dinner :)
14 Apr, 2009
Ooooh Mookins, well done, sooo glad you caught the programme!! I enjoyed watching how to grow pots too. I will give them a go next year tho'. I feel I've enough on my plate, what with trying to put new plants in my "empty" garden! Well, it certainly will be if that fungus is the dreaded one!!!! I'll have to give you all those healthy plants I bought and watch them grow in your garden instead......
19 Apr, 2009
i blame all this on you craftnutter... hehe have been in the garden all day today tidying potting, re-potting,cutting planting watering
am now absolutely shattered!!
my growbags didnt arrive until yesterday so dont think il be doing the spuds until next year think it maybe too late!
poor craftnutter, cant your kids help you out with the garden so big just for you on your own hunny. If I lived closer I would help you
19 Apr, 2009
Awww, you cutie!!! Ds did help with some digging, dd is only interested in her sweet peas, dh will do some work, but only after much prodding. Hmmmm, taps fingers, what a famille!!! Lol!!
I just pray I can put all my new plants in. I will be getting dh to dig in some topsoil tho', else they'll all die in our rotten garden!
19 Apr, 2009
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hi mookins, I grew potatoes on my patio last year in potato sacks (I had 3) and they were great! Put three spuds in each and got enough for several meals. Worth the effort (not much needed) and space (ditto). have fun, and good luck!
13 Apr, 2009