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Minihoney's Garden

Minihoney has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent


Added on 6 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Acer.
Species: Acer Atropurpureum.

Only had this a couple of months - just LOVE acers, methinks a collection is pending... Haven't found a nice...


Added on 6 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

Species: Azalea 'Mollis Blanche'.

Broom - pinky red

Added on 17 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Cytisus.
Species: Cytisus bicolour.

Not a very good pic unfortunately - went out today to improve upon it and all the flowers have gone :(

Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'

Added on 2 Sep, 2011 | 0 photos


Added on 6 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

Grrrrh - cannot remember this one's name

Clematis - Hagley Hybrid

Added on 25 May, 2011 | 1 photo

Clambering up the pergola :)

Clematis - in the porch

Added on 1 Jul, 2010 | 2 photos

Genus: Clematis.
Species: clematis.

Still trying to identify this one - have lost her label. Any ideas gratefully received........

Clematis - Multi Blue

Added on 17 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

Clematis Shirayukihime

Added on 17 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Clematis.
Species: clematis Shirayukihime.

Flowers June to Sep. Large white flowers with pale yellow centre

Clematis Ville De Lyon

Added on 17 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Clematis.
Species: clematis Ville De Lyon.

Flowers June to Sep. Pinky red - darker on petal edge

Cordyline 'Red Star'

Added on 17 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Cordyline.
Species: Cordyline.

Dawn Redwood

Added on 22 Jun, 2010 | 2 photos

Genus: Metasequoia.
Species: Metasequoia glyptostroboides.

Am reliably informed (thankyou, fractal)...This is a lovely and ancient species of conifer. It was only discove...

Dicksonia Antartica

Added on 8 Jun, 2010 | 2 photos

Genus: Dicksonia.
Species: Dicksonia Antartica 'Tasmanian Tree Fern'.

I think he's dead :(((( Yes, definately dead.

Herb Pot

Added on 7 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

Rosemary, oregano, thyme and sage

Lavender 'Papillon'

Added on 17 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Lavandula.
Species: Lavandula stoechas.

Lavender in a sink

Lavender Hidcote

Added on 17 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Lavandula.
Species: Lavandula angustifolia.

Prunus Kurilensis 'Ruby'

Added on 29 Mar, 2012 | 0 photos

Rose 'Margaret Merill'

Added on 28 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

Species: Floribunda Rose.

A new addition to the family - amazing fragrance. where can I put her??


Added on 14 Jul, 2010 | 4 photos

Genus: Sempervivum.
Species: Sempervivum.

Solanum Glasnevin

Added on 28 Apr, 2012 | 0 photos

Viburnum Tinus

Added on 28 Apr, 2012 | 0 photos

Weeping Peach Tree

Added on 6 Jun, 2010 | 2 photos

Species: Pendula '?????'.

Beeeautiful deep pinky red blossom. Now on the road to recovery following an episode of Peach Tree Curl.

Weigela 'Bristol Ruby'

Added on 29 Mar, 2012 | 0 photos


Added on 6 Jun, 2010 | 1 photo

Inherited with the house and much loved. Found amongst the general jungle and seems happy to be ignored (very s...