Interesting! & plants arrived
Interesting reading about Tickleduck and Majeekahead. We have seen the gardening results of Majeekahead in the impessive pictures – Do we get to see any gardening results of Tickleduck in some pictures?
I have received my foilage Begonias from Dibleys nurseries, Escargot, Fireworks, Rocheart, Curly Fireflush, Firecracker, and Snowcap. These came as plug plants and i have potted them into 4 inch pots. Today i will be planting the last of the Double tuberous Begonia tubers, hopefully for the later shows. I did sell a few of the varieties i had plenty of on ebay, which will go towards some new ones i have already ordered for next year from Blackmore & Langdon. “Mia” and “Sophie” are both still on order from this year as they were short of those varieties, they will be sent out next year now. I have now also placed an order for “John Smith” which is a new fragrenced Begonia. All three are fairly new varieties at £30 for each tuber. I did get one fairly new variety this year called “Tequilla Sunrise” amongst some older varieties, although new to me. (I must be mad, will have to cut down on orders next year i think- if i can).
7 Mar, 2008
Previous post: BT Broadband!
Next post: Experiment!
Hi Mark, I love Begonias but I am absoloutly useless at keeping them looking good. I believe I'm probably over watering them? I have managed to kill off yet another Escargot (2 now), Vesuvius is holding on, the other two I'm not sure of their names but they have lost leaves, grown new ones, shriveled up leaves.
I'm trying to water once a week, they are not in full sun, they have normal room temperature.
Wondering what I'm doing wrong. Any hints?
7 Mar, 2008
hi mark, you must be dedicated to your begonias ,i only paid 30 pounds for my greenhouse, you have some lovely blooms but 30 pounds for one tuber i can get a suit for that
7 Mar, 2008
hi mark, you must be dedicated to your begonias ,i only paid 30 pounds for my greenhouse, you have some lovely blooms but 30 pounds for one tuber i can get a suit for that
7 Mar, 2008
Wow! I didn't know they were so expensive, Mark. mind you, I do know that a single snowdrop can cost as much as £70 - when I heard that, I just imagined what the mad person who paid that would do if the cat or a squirrel dug it up!!! Sorry- didn't mean you are mad - honestly!
7 Mar, 2008
It's only the new, or nearly new varieties that quite that expensive. £16 seems to be about average, there may be 1 or 2 at £12 at Blackmore & Langdons. Bellcross nurseries tends to be slightly less, or usually about £9 or £10 from other growers. But to get the newer ones i will have to pay for them. Now i've got, or got on order some new ones i shall work at building up my stock of those to replace some of my excisting varieties. "Tequilla Sunrise" looks a beautiful orange. "Mia" and "sophie" are both picotees and "john Smith" is a new one with a fragrance, which is something new for Begonias in itself because they have such wonderful blooms but no smell usually.
I certainly wouldn't pay £ 70 for a tuber though, i must admit, even if it was a new one. Also be more reluctant to pay as much if it went outside where, as you say, it could be dug up. (Mind you up untill this years order i did say i wouldn't pay £30 for one).
8 Mar, 2008
Treesandthings: I am only entering my second year of growing the foilage type of Begonias myself. I have had the foilage Begonias in the greenhouse over winter under the same conditions as the Double Tuberous Begonias, which die down in the winter. The greenhouse has been down to 40 degrees F. From reading books they should really be warmer, but most seem to have survived. I shall need to take a few brown leaves off and repot the plants i got last year. Humidity: I understand that foilage Begonias like humidity. Last summer i kept the floor damp in the greenhouse, wetting some old towels on the floor. If the plants are indoors they could be put to stand on some gravel to enable the gravel to be wet and create humidity without wetting the plant too much (i read this method, haven't tried it myself!).
8 Mar, 2008
Cheers I shall give it a go.
Keep spending you only live once.
8 Mar, 2008
Treesandthings that is what my Begonia grower friend, Stan keeps saying!
8 Mar, 2008
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Now Mark if your anything like me&many other Gardeners ul Never Be Able2cut down on your ORDERS!!! & if you do Id like 2 be 1st to know? Cos i dont beleive you ;)
7 Mar, 2008