Plant timing!
I have yet to get the Timing correct for My Begonia plants at the first show of the season. So far i have found that they have not been out on the day.
My friend and Begonia grower for many years has been advising me of the methods used for Begonia growing. He has the timing spot on in his greenhouses in Shrewsbury – but mine are always behind. We have discovered that although i only live about 7 miles from him, it is cooler changing the timing dated for my plants.
I have been to my friends and we have worked out the timing dates allowing for mine to be started earlier, buds taken earlier and measured for larger buds. We did try this last year, but when i came to measure there were no buds up to size!
Although my friens says that i need to take the buds off about 2 weeks before i measure them, i have found in some notes that the bud grows about a quarter of an inch each week, if this is the case the buds have not got time to grow to size after the buds were taken. This year i think i will avoid disbudding, i will check on them and any large buds i will take off.
Only time will tell if this will work!
24 Jan, 2008
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hi Mark, all i can say judging from your photos from last years shows - it does'nt look like you are doing too much wrong - your Begonias are stunning! look forward to seeing this years pic's!
24 Jan, 2008
The first show is, i think 15th/16th August - The Shrewsbury flower show.
My friend and i work together quite a lot. He has helped me learn how to grow the Begonias and i have helped him in his greenhouses. Unfortunately he finds some of the work difficult now. Last year, as we had worked together, most of the plants on the main stand were the plants grown in his greenhouses.
The plants in the later shows were all from my greenhouses. I hope to get the timing correct to be able to show the plants from my greenhouses in the Shrewsbury show this year.
24 Jan, 2008
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1 Mar, 2008
Hi Mark, yes, I find that location is a major consideration when thinking about sowing, planting, etc. I always leave such jobs until c.4 weeks after the time given in instructions, books, etc. - unless, like you, I want something in flower earlier than usual. My parents live right
on the seashore. It is only 10 miles as the crow flies from our inland location, but their plants are always a good 1 -2 weeks ahead of ours. When is your first show?
24 Jan, 2008