Kitchen chaos!!
By madperth
At love has come along……….
Nah, the words SHOULD read:
At Last, my kitchen invaders have gone, my stressed out days are over, and the house looks like its been hit by a bomb!
For those of you who have given me words of encouragement while I was freaking out about the work, Thank You, you were right, it WAS worth it!
So here goes, the diary of a kitchen!
K Day minus 3, I start ripping out units, in order to save them for my shed.
Kday1! The destruction starts!! (Thursday)
On day 2, no-one turned up! They had such fun destroying the kitchen yesterday that they’re ahead, so the plasterer took the day off!
I spent a weekend with it like that, & on the monday,the electricians wired up, the plumbers fitted some taps & on the Monday evening, these arrived!!
Tuesday, it was all systems go!!
Once the units were in, it was time for the “second fix”; the electricians & plumbers came back, & the decorator (I use the term VERY loosely) came & lined the walls & left the paint!
Once he had gone, I checked out the pale blue paint I had ordered. It was GREEN! No way was THAT going on my walls! So, I dug out a tub of white emulsion from the shed, trew in a couple of tester pots, & came up with the colour I painted the walls! I let the “decorator” do the second coat & spent 3 hours fixing it when he left!
But I ended up with this!
Then the flooring arrived & it took them all of 20 minutes to put it in! The handyman came & fitted the plinths , & JOB DONE!! Except for the little extra, the worktop they VERY kindly added & fitted for my alcove!!
I spent most of today arranging (& cleaning) all my bits & bobs, and put a drawer unit (old) in the alcove which will once again be my craft area. And I picked these!
Just think, I grew these! I know, pathetic! But I’m really pleased with them, they’re the perfect finishing touch to the kitchen!
So there we have it!
As you can see, “Craft Corner” is still a work in progress, & the unit doesnt match! But as soon as I can afford it, I’ll cange the drawer fronts & it’ll all be perfect!
One tiny complaint! the plumber who started the job very kindly drilled a hole through my wall for an outside tap, & put the plumbing in place. the handyman drilled through the sink unit, so that the tap could be fitted, & they sent the plumber to another job, & replaced him with Steptoe & son, who refused to finish plumbing it in!
So no outside tap yet, & a mixer tap that I can’t attach my hose to!
One BIG complaint!
And just for Digger……………….
Blight Free Tatties!
19 Aug, 2009
Previous post: Crieff ALLOTMENT!
Well have to say your kitchen looks fab, love Your little craft corner aswell, will they be coming back to do your outside tap for you. But love everthing about your kitchen colour looks brill.
19 Aug, 2009
Looks good Hatter. :~))
19 Aug, 2009
~great kitchen now Marie!
19 Aug, 2009
No Carol, I dont think so, one of the guys said he'd try to pop back, but they're doing about 1000 houses, so not holding my breath! BUT, my boiler is leaking & the guy who is trying to get me a new one just MIGHT be persuaded to do it for me!!
San! Didnt you see all the sawdust mud & crap they've covered the patio in?????
Mind you, I AM really pleased with the kitchen!
19 Aug, 2009
WOW!! Your kitchen looks great MP...and those flowers certainly add the finishing touch :)) Love your cosy little craft corner (what a great idea)....and the colour of the walls!
As for your looks good to me...what's the problem...?
19 Aug, 2009
Marie, you'll have to make the boiler man plenty of tea or coffee so he does it for you.
19 Aug, 2009
have the council done all the work for you mari? they are doing alot in blackpool at moment to, spending alot of money which is good as long as the dead legs dont trash it within the first year, think its great for people who want nice homes though
19 Aug, 2009
Thanks Di! The wall colour turned out a great match for the curtains & soft furnishings I already had, & as I'm into Interior Design,(and cant afford to replace them) that was VERY important!
The mess in the garden has really bugged me! I thought I'd have a problem with them being in the house, but I REALLY hated them being in my garden & sawing wood & dumping stuff in it!
Yes Carol, I will! He's a real sweetie tho!
Yes San, it was the council!
19 Aug, 2009
well they seem to have done a good job of your kitchen, my experience of council workers when i had my house wasnt good,some were doing jobs they wernt trained to do, and they told me that, think its differant now they have private tradesmen comming in, i see what you mean about patio when i look closer
19 Aug, 2009
Sandra our Terry said Blackpool council are not very good, he lived in one in derbyshire and he said they are brill, and as soon as anything needs doing they are there with in 24-48hrs.
19 Aug, 2009
I know that a lot of people have had problems here, but I was here watching them & ensuring they did what I wanted, & didn't do the bits I didn't want! They wanted to paint my woodwork with white gloss & I told them I'll do it myself with eggshell, as i dont want gloss! The man next door was away while it was being done & he had them in today sorting things. He says his kitchen is a ****ing disaster!
19 Aug, 2009
Kitchen's looking great you're glad it's all over!
19 Aug, 2009
so nothing changes here in blackpool carol,, you did the right thing mari being there,
19 Aug, 2009
I dont think I could have stood the idea of letting them loose without me being here!
I heard a few stories from people who did, & I'm glad I wasnt at work!!
Yes,,Fluff, it's so good to get my life back!!
19 Aug, 2009
Kitchen looks lovely Marie -mind you as you like gardening, the green paint would have matched in with the grass!
19 Aug, 2009
I cant stand green! Unless its a plant, of course!
19 Aug, 2009
Marie your kitchen looks great and be honest your patio is not so bad really,lol, anyway you need something to do outside,I like your finishing touch with the flowers........
19 Aug, 2009
Thanks Lincs!
I've just been out & scrubbed the patio. The rain'll rinse it for me!!
It'll be good to get peace to go outside! I had a problem even getting into the garden the last couple of weeks!
Thanks, I just felt I needed something really pretty to add to it (& cheer me up after all the sorting!)
19 Aug, 2009
Great stuff girl and well done for sticking around and showing them who's boss!!
Kitchen looks great and you must be chuffed with the final outcome, even if you did have to do some of it yourself.
Looks great! :0)
19 Aug, 2009
We went through the same chaos a few years ago, except we were without a kitchen for the whole weekend before they even started putting it back together!
Your new cabinets are lovely, much nicer than the ones we got (also council).
I'm surprised the walls weren't at least partially tiled?
19 Aug, 2009
Thanks Dan! I am chuffed! Probably more BECAUSE I stuck to my guns & got what I wanted (apart from the tap, but........)
Hi Madmum! Yep! They started on the Thursday, ripped it all out, & didn't come back til Monday! It took 2 weeks in all!!
I refused the tiles! I'll do my own when I can afford what I want, no sense in them doing it for me to rip them off again!
19 Aug, 2009
Quite right Marie -when you do it yourself you know its right (I wish I could say that about myself lol ! )
19 Aug, 2009
I know the feeling about plumbers and mess and kitchen fitters, it looks lovely, far better job than what they done mine, you too are left with out water like they left me, hope it don't take months like they left me. You might find they were not allowed to put you an out side tap on, so he skipped off they will find an excuse not to do it if they are not surpose to . Good Luck , as my hot water tap is still not running right as they cut the pipes so it did nt fit the sink lol lol lol so they had to put a extra bit of flexie hose on . How do these people get their jobs it makes me wonder, but does explain why the country is in a mess like it is.
19 Aug, 2009
Not so much that,Richard, but I'd rather wait & get what I want than accept something I dont want!
and by then, I just wanted them done & out of my house anyway!!
I had the water & electricity back on in a week Morgana, so it hasnt been as bad as I feared!
19 Aug, 2009
Thats good news then hope you enjoy your new kitchen
19 Aug, 2009
Thanks Morgana!
19 Aug, 2009
your welcome Madperth
19 Aug, 2009
19 Aug, 2009
We had our kitchen done recently Marie he started in January this year and finished 7 weeks later (Mid March) We knew what he was like though he is very thorough and does a good job. He was about 6 months doing our decking and building my shed but we are very pleased with it though and they all get plenty of use..
19 Aug, 2009
It CAN take forever! I work in a residential unit for 9 people with learning difficulties, & it took 2 months to do the kitchen, & NOT a great job!!
It was a nightmare trying to organise meals for 11 (inc staff) with no kitchen! Lots of meals out, which took a helluva organising!
19 Aug, 2009
hi marie, love the finished kitchen , worth the wait?
course it was! tradesmen were put on this planet just to annoy the hell out of everyone.thats why i do all my own diy...................steve
19 Aug, 2009
good on you Steve - at least you know then its OK
19 Aug, 2009
Me too, Steve! That's what bugged me!
Mind you the "fitter" was really quick & did a great job, but then the units were all ready built for him & the worktops cut into manageable sizes!
19 Aug, 2009
It looks really nice now. I hope the outside tap can be fixed soon for you. It would be handy to have an outside tap. Pitty about the dirty slabs - they should have cleaned them up for you but the kitchen does looks nice.
20 Aug, 2009
Thanks Hywel!
If I cant get anyone to do it, I'll buy the pipes I need on payday & do it myself!
The slabs are looking a bit better now, but I think I'll have to go for a darker colour!!
Clay tends to stain the cream paint!
20 Aug, 2009
That's the price you pay for having workmen around Marie, there's not many that pay any attention to how much mess they're making and there's quite a few don't care how well they do a job either. As you say, some things are best done yourself. Having said that your kitchen does look great and well worth the aggro.
They seem to have even less respect for gardens but at least your plants seem to have survived unscathed!
20 Aug, 2009
I've PMed you! ! !
20 Aug, 2009
I live in a Housing Association House and they are coming to replace my kitchen in Mar/Apr next year and apparently I have to be prepared for it to take 3-5 weeks!!! How ridiculous is that - I have two teenagers and I work - how do they expect you to take all that time off and be without a washing machine!!!
It was lovely to see your kitchen through the stages but I'm even more nervous now!!!
20 Aug, 2009
Good Luck you ll need it.
20 Aug, 2009
Sorry, Genius! Didnt mean to scare anyone!
Hopefully yours will be plain sailing!
Lily2, I think the fact that they were all warned that if any of my plants were harmed, I'd be wearing certain parts of their anatomies as jewellery made sure my plants were safe!
Digger, message received! Not a lot of point! They'd only tell me I shouldnt have painted them in the first place!!
20 Aug, 2009
I love your new kitchen :)))))
20 Aug, 2009
How nice to decorate your new kitchen with your OWN flowers! Well done. :-))
20 Aug, 2009
Nice onr M. Having a new kitchen is like having a whole new lease on life somehow, as its the centre of my world anyway! It all looks brill and the flowers are gorgeous.
20 Aug, 2009
Enjoy your new kitchen,....its lovely...
20 Aug, 2009
New kitchen looks warm & inviting Madperth,well done very stressful but worth it all in the end ( Your flowers set it all of even nicer as you grew them yourself) :~)))))
20 Aug, 2009
Thanks GoYs!! :~D
20 Aug, 2009
How many days did it take for your kitchen to be done
21 Aug, 2009
I certainly dont have too little to do!! Once I've finished sorting my craft corner, I've got the living room to paint, back to work on Monday, then Uni 2 weeks later, & LOTS to do in the garden!!
Busy life! No wonder I'm mad!!!
It took 2 weeks, Morgana!
Now they're putting a new boiler in, as we type!
21 Aug, 2009
Oh dear more mess again why not do that at the beginning strange how these companies work, but they do say the lunitics are running the asylum world wide.
21 Aug, 2009
Totally different company, it was just that the leak happened to get worse this week, & at least it'll all be out of the way! They're not making much mess but theydid have to dig a bit of my flower bed! Thankfully there wasnt anything planted at the bit they dug!! So :~))))))))
21 Aug, 2009
That was lucky hope it all gets fixed for you.
21 Aug, 2009
They seem to be doing a great job!
21 Aug, 2009
Good to hear makes a change lol
21 Aug, 2009
Clarice: Think I'll put my name down for a council house in Derby.
Marie: You're kitchen looks lovely...well planned and a nice size. Love the idea of a Craft Corner...could do with that myself. (Have a very large walk-in wardrobe but guess who's filled it, and guess what with?)
A kitchen is not a kitchen without flowers. Lovely warm, homely colours! And that goes for the walls too! LOL
Lucky me...not only was my husband a plumber (b4 a paramedic) but he does everything INSTANTLY, the day b4 if he can! lol
22 Aug, 2009
Thanks Pat!
Send him here!!!!
You have a very rare commodity on your hands!!
My craft stuff is at present filling my wardrobe, but I'm going to move it all back, I've got my big filing cabinet in the boiler cupboard now, so that'll help!
It'll take me forever to sort it all out! Thankfully my boss is only letting me work 2 days next week, a gradual easing back in to work!
22 Aug, 2009
You're kitchen looks lovely Madperth and the flowers are a lovely finishing touch. Hopefully you'll get the slabbed area sorted out - there's certainly plenty of rain around! What a fab idea to have your craft area in the little nook - it looks great.
23 Aug, 2009
Thanks KM!
I did get it clean, but I've been digging & shifting soil sand, compost & stuff around, so I've made my own lovely mess now!! There's certainly lots of rain up here too!!
23 Aug, 2009
".I've made my own lovely mess now!!......."
That's different!! We don't mind cleaning up our OWN mess - ha ha!
23 Aug, 2009
I DO mind, but I cant blame anyone else, unless I blame the people who suggested I have raised beds to deal with my claggy clay soil!! :~))))
23 Aug, 2009
You could try living with claggy clay for a while and see which you prefer?????????????????
23 Aug, 2009
Nah, had enough double-digging the big bed, adding sand & compost, & it STILL needs lots more compost adding!!
23 Aug, 2009
Know what you husband brought back two gigantic bags of compost...and it still wasn't enough. (Mind you, ANYTHING's better than claggy clay!) lol
24 Aug, 2009
Clay, even the type you would make pots from has loads of goodies in it for growing purposes, it just needs breaking up a bit. Thats what the sand is for, and its cheaper! ! !
24 Aug, 2009
Cheaper than what?
24 Aug, 2009
Compost !?!
24 Aug, 2009
Oh, yeah, well the compost is free at the local tip!
24 Aug, 2009
You lucky B****ER, they charge us £3.50 for 30 litres here.
24 Aug, 2009
You're allowed 3 bags per car, but they dont say what size of bag!!!!!!!!!!
24 Aug, 2009
One problem, its at the other end of town, & I dont drive!!!
24 Aug, 2009
Thats a b***er then. Sorry I took so long to answer but I went out to pick up some stuff from freecycle, you would have known that if you'd bothered to read my blogs.........
(just joshing) :~)))))
24 Aug, 2009
Gimme a chance! I fell asleep! My first day back at work after 3 months sick, I was shattered! fell asleep with coffee in my hand, & poured it over my leg!
24 Aug, 2009
Oh thats not good, you haven't hurt yourself have you?
24 Aug, 2009
Nah, it was cold by the time I spilt it!
24 Aug, 2009
Phew........... Well get yourself away to your bed then. Its no good you sitting up all night if you're kna....tired
24 Aug, 2009
Just what I was thinking! It's surprising how tired I feel, it was a 5 hour shift, but I'm bushed! Long lie tomorrow!!
24 Aug, 2009
Nite ;~))
24 Aug, 2009
Does David drive is he too far away to offer to pay for fuel for a trip? I'd come up and do it but it would cost a LOT in petrol,and I'm not that rich, sorry! Taxi mebbe or wait till youre a student and charm a young person with a car into a guided tour of your area stopping briefly at the compo plant, try thr enviromentalist type disciplines, I'm sure someone will!
25 Aug, 2009
I think David has enough on his plate with having the sprogs whenever he's not at work! My geography is non-existent, but I think he's maybe about 30 miles south of here.
Taxi drivers in Perth dont seem to like you making their cars all mucky! Dunno why! I got enogh moans when I bought sealed bags of compost once!!!
and my best friend has a snazzy litlle sports car you can barely get a bag of peas into! Plus she'd NEVER get it dirty!!!!
I'll speak nicely to Ali (my stepmum) & see if she can bring the trailer round!! I'll work summat out!!
25 Aug, 2009
I doubt the helpless female act will work on your stepmum though Hatter. You'll have to come up with a new idea! ! ! :~))
25 Aug, 2009
Ditzy daughter works on her!
She treats me like I'm 5, even tho we're the same age!
25 Aug, 2009
I bow to your knowledge and acting abilities. Lol :~))
25 Aug, 2009
25 Aug, 2009
...sorry to interrupt...but there's something even cheaper than sand....and guessed it.....FROST! Not long to wait now....(at least, for Marie and I)
25 Aug, 2009
Nice one WH the best way of them all !?!
25 Aug, 2009
I dont DO cold, tho!
Will it really help? It hasnt so far!!
25 Aug, 2009
Dig your bed over and leave it in big clods over the winter, come spring the ice will have broken them down into smaller bits.
25 Aug, 2009
Ah, I see said the blind man to the deaf mute, who nodded in agreement!
25 Aug, 2009
Happy to oblige, but I'm still not your friend........ :~))~~~~~~~~~
25 Aug, 2009
Sob! Boo hoo! :~(((((
25 Aug, 2009
Ner ner n ner ner :~))
25 Aug, 2009
25 Aug, 2009
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- Barge-ing around! An Autumn Outing!
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- Oops! I went for cheese again!!
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- Romneya's Garden!
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hi mari kitchen looks great, so bright and fresh looking, bet your well pleased now its done,patio looks good to,and your fresh flowers just finish it all off :o))
19 Aug, 2009