Work in Progress! A beginner's blog part 2
By madperth
The sun decided to shine today! I got my (waterlogged) flowerbed filled in, my bird table up & even got rid of all the junk behind the shed! Collected 3 sacks of compost from municipal dump (sorry, recycling centre) while disposing of said junk but my stepmum wouldn’t let me take home the gorgeous guy who offered to help me! Can’t win them all! managed to get the plants in and take some (loads of) photos as promised!
I am totally bushed & very confused! I don’t know what half of the plants are that I photographed!
Your mission for today, should you accept it, is to let me know:-
a) What do you think so far?
b) What are these plants?
Yours exhaustedly,
Marie x
22 Jul, 2009
Previous post: Work in Progress! A beginner's blog!
Next post: Work in progress 3!
Sounds like you had a rewarding day nevertheless. No gardening for me here, it's been raining all day. Recycling Centre compost is good. I use it too.
22 Jul, 2009
Sorry, meant to say - welcome to the forum.
22 Jul, 2009
I've tried to add in the pics to the blog SBG, but if they're not all in, the rest are on my photos page!
I cant believe how much I've done in 11 days! well, 8 if you discount the rainy ones!
Thanks KM, its an amazing forum, I'm learning so much already & everyone is so friendly & encouraging!
22 Jul, 2009
Hi Madperth, Lovely looking garden there, I'm afraid I'll have to decline your mission as I don't have a clue about plant names but I can tell a carrot from a potato if thats any help? Lol.
Welcome to GoY from me as well and I challenge anyone to find a nicer more freindly bunch anywhere on the net. (I was going to add nutters in there but decided not to in a moment of cowardise Lol)
22 Jul, 2009
Hello Madperth. Welcome to GoY.
I can accept your mission in part.....only parts where I know what the plants are....
Photo #1. This looks like Liatris or Blazing Star. A native plant in North America. Forms a beautiful clump of strong flower spikes. Loved by bees. Comes in purple or white.
Photo #2: Not sure but it looks as if it is perhaps a Heuchera (Coral Bells) of some sort. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong on that one.
Photo#3: ???
Photo#4: A Hindu god(ess) under a lavender bush.
Photo#5: A very nice curved bed with a cat at the far end.
Photo#6: Jupiter's Beard aka Red Valerian aka Centranthus ruber. Bees and butterflies love it. Self seeds readily if not deadheaded.
Photo #7: Nasturtium
Photo #8: A further view of the nice curved bed with Hindu God(ess) head in the lower right corner.
Photo #9: A lovely patio and patio set and a pair of pink wellies acting as a planter in the lower left corner.....has TT seen these wellies......look perfect for the winter wellie olympics.
Photo #10: Another view of the curved bed with calico cat waiting for a bird to magically appear on the bird feeder. What a lot of work you have put in to your garden. Well done.
Photo #11: Another view of the bed which looks really nice. Can't tell what the plants are from this photo. I like your Tiki torches.
Photo #12: Lovely bird feeder. Not sure what the yellow flowers are but they sure are pretty.
Photo #13: Lavender with what looks like a primula in the lower right corner.
Photo #15: Not sure what it is but it looks very familiar.
23 Jul, 2009
Nice blog Marie :)
Your garden looks good and quite large, your plants and borders are coming along nicely.
You're right too, it IS surprising what you can get done in a short space of time and .... by the way .... your tortoiseshell pusscat looks very sweet :))
23 Jul, 2009
you have done very well hun, well done
I recognised a small glimse of some Dianthus the pink flowers with jagged edges (i think)
the others Im not sure on but the tall with lots of tiny pink blloms at the top I also have but dont know its name, very pretty
x x x
23 Jul, 2009
I think you're doing great Marie, the borders will fill out in no time . The orange flowers are nasturtiums and the yellow ones are lysimachia. Your turn now, what's the cat called? He/she looks like the double of mine. Shame about having to leave the man at the tip, he would have come in useful Lol
Welcome to GOY from me too.
23 Jul, 2009
Your garden looks great Marie, you have been busy!!!!! sorry no good with names of flowers but the GoYer gang are!!!! welcome to GoY .Ian u can count me as nutter No 1 Lol:~))))))
23 Jul, 2009
Welcome Marie to another nutter who is also rather bad on plant names. There are some very well informed friends on here who will know.
23 Jul, 2009
Welcome to Goy...
23 Jul, 2009
garden looking great M .. I am with Mr Digs on this one , I recognise and can name anything I put in soup.
23 Jul, 2009
Thanks all! So many great comments I don't know who to reply to first!!
Lily, the cat's name is Smudge (for obvious reasons). She's about 12/13 (a rescue, dumped on the motorway & was begging & living in the woods), a friend brought her to me & she was the fattest cat I'd ever seen! I've had her for nine years now. She's very confused (like her human), hates cats(!) & thinks she's a hedgehog! Her best friend is a hedgehog (that I call Iggle Piggle) & everywhere we've lived, she's brought one home with her!
Yep, shame about the guy, he really would've been useful; he picked up my old freezer out of the trailer like it was a bag of sugar! Lovely smile too!
Gilli, the cat isn't waiting for a bird, she's scared of them! She was chased by a flock of baby pheasants about 6 years ago, & never got over it! The figures are Bhudda rupas (I'm a Buddhist) & I have them everywhere!
23 Jul, 2009
Ooops. Sorry Madperth. I was going to say Bhudda but then thought that if it wasn't Bhudda I would offend any Bhuddists on GoY. Now I've gone and done that anyway. My sincere apologies. :o)
24 Jul, 2009
No offence taken Gilli! I even spelt Buddha wrong so I have probably offended loads of people!
Anyway, I don't think we're that quick to take offence! Lol ;o}
ps the tiki torches came from a pound shop! Definite bargain!
24 Jul, 2009
Well, I'm checking out your blogs as I said I would on Ian's blog and it looks great so far. Something tells me that your garden is def going to 'fill up' with all sorts of exciting and wonderful things over the years. I am a COMPLETE novice and only got interested this year when my partner enthused about growing veggies and having a GH. I, in turn, was sucked in by her enthusiasm and having turned the big 4..0 last year, felt it was a good time to 'do a bit' myself!
So, Ali does veggies and I am doing planting, flowers and wildlife. All new to me and hopeless with names but have started an alphabetical pictorial of plants on a word document that I can use as reference going forward. Inserted a table with box for pic of flower/plant, one for name and another for comments - i.e. when to plant, type of soil etc. I hope iot will help me as I don't know if I will remember it all next year....turning 40 does strange things to the mind :0)-
Keep up the good work tho Marie. Very nice...
30 Jul, 2009
Thanks Billie! that pictorial thing sounds like a great idea, I'm hopeless with names too, my plants are "hoojies" (a catchall word for the many things I forget) and wotzits & so on!!
I just turned 50, so you've got lots of confusion to look forward to!!
30 Jul, 2009
Excellent, bring it on I say! Sometimes life seems so much better when surrounded by confusion!
Ali would probably say she's confused most of the time with me, but it's still fun tho! I try not to take it all too seriously for fear of not enjoying life. We only get one shot and now I've discovered the joys of gardening, wildlife AND GoY, well, it can only get even better.....
Let's keep some of the confusion tho eh?!! :0)~
30 Jul, 2009
But of course! You just need to read my rubbish to see how confused I am! Welcome aboard the good ship Confusion that is GoY!!
30 Jul, 2009
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24 Jul, 2009
right where are the photos then?
i know what you mean by being whacked. done a bit myself lately.
22 Jul, 2009