By lincslass
…This morning I received the call from the vet, Malik has an aggressive form of cancer and the tests show signs that it has already moved elsewhere in his body,we already have a new prescription to help him and I`m to ring the vet in a couple of days to let her know how he is. It was only 2wks previous to him first limping that he had his injections and health checkup and was fine,that is why the news was a complete shock.
Heartbreaking as it is, I know my boys every reaction and movement so will not let him suffer .
1 Sep, 2009
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poor Malik i`m so sorry lincslass i know how you must be feeling will keep you in my heart and prayers xxx
1 Sep, 2009
You won't let this lovely soul suffer any more pain or indignity than he has to, LL. Heartbreaking though it is, you will do ALL that you must do for him. I think I can speak for everyone on GoY who has come to 'know' you, when I say many of us can and do empathise with the dreadful pain you are going through right now.
Let him go, let him go... with an open heart, and with thanks for a life full of love.
I am so sorry.
1 Sep, 2009
Sorry to hear such Devastating News, You Will know when to let him go Linclass, He will tell you, Hopefully not for a long while yet..How old is he?
1 Sep, 2009
Stay strong as I'm sure he will for you. We are thinking of you both at this time and send our love to you both.
1 Sep, 2009
Thankyou everyone, Malik is 8yrs old Ydd and until this happened he was still behaving like a pup,that is natural for the Flatcoat Retriever they stay playful........
1 Sep, 2009
I'm so sorry to hear your news, and Malik is in my prayers, as are you.
1 Sep, 2009
8 yrs old Linclass, he will be strong still, and still have fight in him, Hoping the new Meds kick insoon, Sending you my love.. Dee..
1 Sep, 2009
Sad news Lincslass :(
1 Sep, 2009
Poor Malik....and I'm so so sorry Lincslass.
Your in our thoughts and we send our love,
Di, Winnie & Scamper xxx
1 Sep, 2009
Sorry, Linclass, to hear about Malik. I can understand you as our first dog died of cancer in Spain. She was10 years old. She gave us 4 pups which we brought up at home, in Spain, & which came with us to the UK 8 years ago. Sadly they have died & now we are left with Boli who is over 15 years old. she has a heart condition & has been taking medicines for some years now. It's a valve in her heart, the same affliction that ended the lives of 3 of the others. She now has arthritis in her back right leg & at times she has a real struggle to get on her feet.
1 Sep, 2009
love from me too !I know where you are right now.
My boxer Magnum had a limp and then developed a lump on his side and his liver was affected~he was 8 yrs old too ~they gave weeks but he was around for 12 months although the last month was maybe at the limit~ my (grown up) kids didn't want to let him go and I think that maybe it should have been sooner because it had spread although he was on strong painkillers and didn't seem to be in pain.
He was amazing in that he understood that I wanted him to eat the chicken breasts I prepared,I was trying this high protein diet for him and even he though he obviously sometimes didn't feel hungry he would let me hand feed him and every bite so delicately taken from my fingers.
We spoiled him ,buying toys treats etc and I like to think he had a good final year.He was an amazing companion!
He loved my son to bits and spent a lot of time sat curled up on his knee~big as he was!
All you can do is to make the most of the time left and be able to look back and know you did your best as I am sure you will.
lovex Arlene
1 Sep, 2009
The poor animals may not have been well for some time, but they keep on going for us. They are unable to let us know where it hurts, and how much it when they are diagnosed it comes as a shock to us. We have to then be strong for them. It hurts, I know. Been there, done that. My thoughts are with you all now. xx
1 Sep, 2009
Very sorry to hear the news on Malik, but as you say, you know your dog and he will let you know when it is his time. Part of caring for our pets is making the decision not to let them suffer. It is dreadfully hard, my thoughts are with you too. x x
1 Sep, 2009
So sorry it was such bad news after your awful long weekend of waiting Lincslass. Poor Malik, I do hope they can keep him out of pain so you can make the most of your precious time together. lily x
1 Sep, 2009
Oh poor Malik...& poor you Linclass...I'm so very sorry for you both.xx
1 Sep, 2009
so sad when our pets get sick. we lost our deerhound Dylan the same way three years ago. just started with a limp on his frount right thought are with u and your
1 Sep, 2009
So sorry to hear about Malik, but keep strong for him, lots of our pets are wagging their tails for TT's dog as Conker as cancer, so i've got my Smokey waging his tail for Malik.
1 Sep, 2009
So sorry to read this Lincslass .. as you say like any devoted owner you know him best and will know when time is right done out of love for a faithful family member .
1 Sep, 2009
Thankyou all so much,it means a lot to me,rest assured we all love him far too much to see him suffer..
1 Sep, 2009
All of us who have had wonderful pets that have been sick, know exactly how it feels. Our thoughts are with you - stay strong and do what's best for the both of you!
1 Sep, 2009
What terrible news. I hope something can be done to help Malik overcome this. Stay positive.
2 Sep, 2009
St Francis loves and respects all his animals, so you can trust him to guide and help you during this terrible time with lovely Malik ..
2 Sep, 2009
im so sorry lincs, i know exactly what you and malik are going through, ive been there to with my late sheba, you will know when its time as i did, we love them but wont let them suffer,, take care, love and hugs sandra xx
2 Sep, 2009
Pressed the wrong button! I am so sorry and am praying for you at awful this time
2 Sep, 2009
I'm so sorry to hear the news Lincs. Poor Malik. Stay strong. You and Malik are in my thoughts and prayers. xx
3 Sep, 2009
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9 Aug, 2009
So very sorry to hear this news of Malik's condition.
I have sent you a private message. xxx
1 Sep, 2009