Poor Malik.
By lincslass
Hello all my name is Malik and I am feeling so sad,(sigh)
Normally I am playing and having fun racing up and down the garden and playing fetch with my toys,I am never still except when everyone is asleep. Now they have shut me in here and I thought I had been naughty !!!!!!!!!.
21 Aug, 2009
Previous post: Barnsdale Gardens.
Next post: Malik.
oh poor Malik, it must be awful to be confined and even worse to not know why. Still it has to be done, you'll just have to harden your heart to those sorrowful looks. Lets hope it does the trick and an op is not necessary.
21 Aug, 2009
Hello Malik ~
What a brave boy you are.....
We hope you'll feel better soon....
love from Conker and Truffle..xxx
21 Aug, 2009
Oh Lincslass...isnt it a pity we cannot explain why we have to do such things as put them in a cage ! Hope he makes a good recovery !
21 Aug, 2009
Fingers crossed that this lovely lad makes a full and speedy recovery.
21 Aug, 2009
awwwwwwwww poor malik, i do hope malik is going to be ok, wish i could give him a big hug for being so brave, love and hugs malik x
21 Aug, 2009
AAAAAAAAAAahhhhh,,...bless :)))))))
21 Aug, 2009
get well soon Malik xx
21 Aug, 2009
RRRRRR get well soon Malik, from me & Smokey.
21 Aug, 2009
Poor Malik, I hate it when the pets are ill as they dont know what's going on :-(
21 Aug, 2009
~give him an extra cuddle from me ,Merlin Harvey and Dex please!
21 Aug, 2009
That name really suits him linclass...he actually looks like a Malik...he has a lovely shiny coat bless 'im.
Hope he's ok soon.x
21 Aug, 2009
Oh poor Malik, Lincslass you must be devestated at having to keep the poor lad locked up. I hope you don't have to go through an op with him. Give the lad an extra stroke from me please. :~((
21 Aug, 2009
Big hug from all in Bridgend....Get well soon Malik :0)
21 Aug, 2009
Thanks all, he is such a live wire and the cage is the only opton I,m afraid. If allowed his freedom he wont rest and could do hlmself a lot of damage, we are hoping the medication and rest will take the imflammation down so the vet will be able to x,ray the leg next week if necessary....
21 Aug, 2009
aw - waht a lovely boy - hope he is better soon
21 Aug, 2009
Hope you get better soon malik.........
22 Aug, 2009
Pooor Malik, how do you keep him shut in? he looks too springy to stay in a place like that, will add him to my healing prayers, get well soon Malik!
22 Aug, 2009
Poor Malik. Here's hoping he gets enough rest that he won't need an op.
I had to take our dog, Boli, to the vets today for her 6 monthly check up. She has a valve in her heart that doesn't work properly & has to be on medication permanently. She has been on this medication for a number of years now.
She is very old for a dog. She was 15 last April. I'm afraid this will probably be her last check up as she is losing control of her back legs & one is almost useless through arthritis.
Still the vet was happy with her condition & she has lost 3 kilos during the last 6 months. Which is just as well as she was well over weight.
22 Aug, 2009
Hope Boli's got a few more good years with you B. my old girl went to 18 as fit as an old thingy can be and then just went (heart etc)one summers day, her friend across the way started howling as she did, 18 yrs of unconditional LOVE, It hurts lke he** to lose em but Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
23 Aug, 2009
It's taken a while for me to see this blog - haven't been on for a few days. I hope Malik is a bit better now
23 Aug, 2009
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oooooooooo Hope the opp goes ok You look like a nice healthy well looked after doggie to me
21 Aug, 2009