Lilape152's Profile

About me
My name is Brendan, i am 21 years old and live in Costa Mesa, CA. I am currently at Cal Poly Pomona studying to be a Horticulture Major. i love plants with a special interest in Tropicals and natives. My favorite plants are hard to narrow down but a few are delonix reginia, plumerias of all sorts, cassias, gingers, most palms, matilija poppy, and most other california natives. Because living and growing up in Costa Mesa, it allows me to grow all of these plants, with temps that vary little from 40-70F in the winter to 60-80F in the summer. Usually dry and sunny rain comes through Nov-April on occasion. Luckily for us Southern Californians we have Northern California to supply us with plenty of water!!!!! I do not have much land :( but make use with what i have and grow hundreds of different plumerias from seed and cutting, also have cassias and delonix regina plants starting from seed. i am always curious to grow new plants and love soaking up as much knowledge as i can on plants. Hopefully this Winter i will be able to make a trip to Thailand and snag some new and interesting tropiclas. One day i also hope to have a larger amount of land and have a nursery of my own!!!!
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Joined in Sep 2009
Country: United States
State: Orange/CA