All Doing well :)
By jacque
Back In June this year i brought 5 Adult Watersnails from a good sorce on EBAY .They cost me just £5 including Postage which is good as 1 Pond Center here in Norfolk wanted £2 each 4 their Watersnails !!! Shocking i thought ,
As you can see their heathly & qiute big! They live on Fish Waste & Algae which grows on the Ponds Sides & Pond Bottom so it helps keep the Pond Water in Good Condition along of course with Water Plants & the Bio/Filter :)
Mid July i found some Snail Eggs Under the Water Lily Pads i was so Happy 2 find out theyd been Breeding & did wonder if theyd become adults as my Fish eat loads of Bugs/Crawlys they find Floating on top of Pond :(
Well i was checking the Fish this morning &spotted a very small Baby Snail :)
I looked again on same Lily Pad &found A Even SMALLER BABY SNAIL!
The Fishys Have`nt Eatten Them :) How Fab Is That??
I wonder how many there is in There?
28 Aug, 2008
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Thanx TT il do that just 4 u :) i cant believe how small they are :)
28 Aug, 2008
I still go UGH when I see the giant mother, but congratulations on the new babies, Jacque. You must be delighted!
28 Aug, 2008
They arrived then Jacque? £5 toward training fund much appreciated.Ooh they wont always be that small so enjoy whilst cute hehe...
28 Aug, 2008
Jacque that's great . It means that your pond has a really good and balanced eco-system. They are brilliant creatures to have in your pond as they will feed on the waste and now they are breeding. The snails in our pond are doing really well too.
Brilliant news!!
28 Aug, 2008
O yes theyl be safe here with me Bonkers& when all the other Eggs have hatch we`l have the Biggest &Best Army/Troops & Rule the World :) With Your Cordy Panted Frog&the slugs&snails itl be so easy4us ;)
28 Aug, 2008
I had snails last yr Grenville/Alan b4 i got the Bio/Filter but they didnt breed&i found the shells all empty :( so im very very happy these have breed :) Thanx 4 your advice Grenville/Alan on Buying a Bio/ Filter XXX
28 Aug, 2008
That's wonderful Jacque. All those baby snails so tiny. You must be delighted.
28 Aug, 2008
Its great Hywel im thinking of putting them in a Jar or something till their bigger ? but i think they may be ok as the Fishys have`nt touched them :) iv got some reserved snail eggs in a rain water bucket in the shade behind my Laurals in the wildlife/Nettle Area on 2 lily pads that i picked just incase ;)
28 Aug, 2008
That sounds a good idea Jacque, to have a reserve.
28 Aug, 2008
Well if u have a pond in the future Hywel ur more than welcome 2 some off spring 2get u started :)
28 Aug, 2008
Oh Thanks Jacque. You're very kind.
28 Aug, 2008
What a marvellous blog, Jacque - and with such fascinating pics, too! many congrats, on your multiple births! Your pond must, indeed, be a "Des Res"!
28 Aug, 2008
Well done, good pics too. Your pond will benefit.Tiny aren't they? I quite like them grown up too!
29 Aug, 2008
:) Thanx Every1 4 reading my Blog :) i didnt Know so many Members would enjoy it as much as u all have :)
29 Aug, 2008
brilliant blog jacque and the pic's are great
30 Aug, 2008
Congratulations on your new arrivals! It's such a coincidence that I've read this today, as earlier today I saw something in my pond and bent down close to have a look and found a water snail. I didn't know I had any! Think they must have arrived with the water lilly in the spring - so got a freebie - I like that!
31 Aug, 2008
Aww, Sid, I hope you got a pair (but, as land snails have both male and female parts, as I seem to remember, perhaps this doesn't matter. let us know how it goes?
31 Aug, 2008
Jacque ~ How very interesting. How do you keep
the birds from swooping down and eating them?
4 Sep, 2008
David - I've noticed some jelly-like stuff on the undersides of leaves - i wonder if these are watersnail eggs? If so, they've managed it somehow! S.
4 Sep, 2008
great blog and pics Jaque. nature will take its course and some snails will be eaten by both fish and birds but a good number will survive and breed each year. This is ideal as otherwise you would soon find that you get over-run with snails. after the initial introduction nature will maintain a healthy balance.
12 Sep, 2008
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Congratulations on all your baby snails!
That's wonderful, Jacque, and excellent photography, too.
Please do post updates on the babies growing up.
28 Aug, 2008