Very Hot !!!!!!
By jacque
Yes it was a Good HOT Summers Day2day & im hopeing all of those of you outside in it like Myself used a High Factor Cream?
Im always doing things in Garden come Rain/Shine &just like we dress warm with Jumpers&Coats 2 look after ourselfs when COLD the same should be done come the Hot Sunshine ! I always put on Lots Of Sun Lotion it stops Burning & gives a Great Tan ;)
Hats &Cold Drinks 2 remember GOY Memebers :)
23 Jul, 2008
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Hi Blodyn Summers great thanx much better 2day shes been running around the garden after my daughter this morning trying 2 get her ball&is holding her poorly ear up now :),I also have 2 put sunlotion on her ears &top of her Muzzle as its very Pink there :) Shes agood girl & lets me do that 4 her :)
23 Jul, 2008
Thanks Jacque, your advice taken!
23 Jul, 2008
Glad2hear it Michaella :)
23 Jul, 2008
Hi Jacque-
It was very hot today. Sun hats came out and lots of refreshing cold drinks. Don't overdo it in the sun. Thanks for your good advice- its easy to have nasty sunburn when you are working in the garden.
Best wishes from Alan as well xx
23 Jul, 2008
Just wanted2 remind People how easy we can4get 2 put Cream,Hats on Grenville/Alan as we can get very ill from the Suns Heat? iv never had sun stroke/Burn & i wouldnt want it so im always careful when its a Hot Sunny Day :) X
23 Jul, 2008
Phew Jacque- Its a scorching day again today. Out with the hats and the sun screen on our skin!
We have visitors viewing the garden this afternoon and then it will be a meal outside this evening, and, of course, happy hour before dinner!
Best wishes and enjoy your day.
Grenville and Alan xx
24 Jul, 2008
MMMMMMMMMmmmmmm Happy Hour Sounds great4 a hot day like this Grenville/Alan :)
24 Jul, 2008
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Hope you enjoyed the warm sunshine Jacque.
I have to put cream on Blodyn's ears in this weather. The vet said they could burn because she has white ears. It's a job to do it because she wriggles everywhere and hates it. She ends up with more cream on her fur than on her ears, and I'm covered in it too. lol
How's Summer now ?
23 Jul, 2008