honey making!!
By ickledigga
so yesterday i thought hmmm i think i’ll jar up that honey!!! mmmmm little did i know it would take me all day!! The honey has been collected from the hives and spun in the extractor. It was then drained into huge honey buckets where it set! My job melt the honey. This took ages!! I put it in the oven on a really low setting!
Then I poured it thro the sieve:
Finally I opened the tap at the bottom and let the honey drain into the jars! I think i must have eaten at least a jar of honey from catching ther drips!!
To finish i labelled the honey and ta da… my honey…
It’s amazing to think that the bees have made such a scrummy honey! Well done to our bees! so guess what i had for breakfast today??
I also made an attempt at my first ever hanging baskets… oh the fun… can’t wait to see them grow…
Anyway… I’ll take some pics of the other processes of making honey as we do it!!
19 Apr, 2008
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How lovely to have your own honey - I would be scared of the bees (wimp). I get black bees that burrow into the soil in the driest border, and I don't like weeding or planting near them.
19 Apr, 2008
Wow Ickle you make it seem so easy I'm sure it isn't though.Well done girl.Hel.xxx.
19 Apr, 2008
Three cheers for the bees! And for Ickledigga too! I love honey Mmmmmmm..... how wonderful to be able to make your own. How many hives did it take to make this many jars?
19 Apr, 2008
Wow ! The honey looks wonderful.I would love to keep bees but our garden is too small. Many congratulations.
If we lived closer to you Alan my partner would be buying honey every week.He loves it!
I like mead which was made by one of my tutors at university and he kept several hives. It was fascinating and it brings back happy memories!!!!
19 Apr, 2008
Great to see the honey making process. We are all lovers of honey down here so well done to you and the bees. What a partnership.
PS For Spritz the black bees don't have stings so you can stroke them if they sit still long enough
20 Apr, 2008
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ickledigga your always busy , well done. honey looks great. what did u plant in the baskets?
19 Apr, 2008