Bp World Ice Art Championship Fairbanks, AK, USA
By greenthumb
I walked the whole ice park and shot every sculpture. I have been here 10 years and have never gone and walked through. Today was a little early, since they have them lighted up and at night they have a more defined presence. But I could just not make it, again.
The park is broken up into four sections. Kids park, where the sculptures are slide and mazes, cabins and castle, single block sculptures, multiblock sculptures (the really big ones), and amateur. Competitors come from all around the world though we have many that reside right here in Alaska. The theme this year seemed to be very much Alaska, as this is our 50th year as one of the United States.
I’ll present as these three sections. I’ll start with the Kids park.
This is a maze, what I could fit in the viewer anyway. It was impressive. The kids park is always a hit. Many sleds and children running around. About 15F.
This is the big slides for sleds. This is actually a lake. This hole is left after all the ice was harvested for the ice sculptures.
And here in fornt of a Comfiort Inn and overlooking the empty lake, the official Bp World Ice Art Championship sign which I failed to fit in the viewer…..lol.
Second, we have the single block entries. These are all fashioned from one single block of ice, harvested from the lake. It seemed from the ice shards about, the block was large. I loved this first one. So sharp still.
These are musk ox, a creature still living all along the north slope, that is the land between the mountains and the ocean to the north. Flat and sloping from mountain to sea. Their numbers are small. There is a farm of them in Fairbanks at the university, conserved for study.
This one was beautiful, smooth and balanced. I think it was called peace.
Simple but beautiful.
This is moonlight sonata. I love this one too.
Escape. This one is in my top seats. I love the details.
All of these sculptures are in third demention, with depth, even the scenes. I’ll turn this man and phoenix a little.
And this Kingfisher coming out of the water. Kingfisher took first in Single Block, Realistic.
Really astounding stuff. There were a few that I didn’t get or that the light was just wrong for. Nighttime, much later than my sunset is required. There are names and such, but I just took them in to find a good shot, and shot. I had to hold the camera up under my arm in the open coat to keep the camera going.
Awesome wave!
This is on the sunniest side, called the dance, but is has been smoothed by the sun. I still liked that motion was so present, though they aren’t holding hands anymore.
This was called Spring. A nice form.
I would say, don’t bait a crocodile. :-)
This is the beginning of the mulitblock category. These are all monstrous compositions. On a space large enough to hold my cabin, some tower up to 25ft tall. Not neccesarily more detailed but the scale was breathtaking.
This shot features the hunter on the horse, the buffalo ending a jump had detailed legs, but other than the thick curly mane, the front portion was obscured against the snow and seemed a bit unfinished.
This one is called alaskan tradition. This is a classic Tlingit spirit house with a child playing in the yard. It was built by four artists from Washington where the furthest south Tlingit culture stretched. They are an ocean culture. Here in Fairbanks there are the Athabascan and Yupik cultures. At http://www.icealaska.com/ this one has a webcam to view now and a streaming video of its construction.
Alice, sliding into the rabbit hole. :-)
Called, ‘Rockin the Night Away’ I’d say it gives a good example of how alot of us pass the dark winter by. :-)
Called ‘Song of the Earth’
Called ‘Irish Wedding’, the artists are all Alaskans. I’d guess with irish roots. :-)
‘Water Drops’
This is a favorite of mine. A classic bluegrass band honky tonkin on a large slab cut into the shape of Alaska. We love our bluegrass and summer is filled with music. I’d say we even have a brand of our own, out here on the last frontier.
‘The Three Graces’
‘Guardian Angel of Mischeif’
This next is called “Stairway to Heaven”. Obviously very christian, I just loved the detail. The entire site is ringed with small crosses staked into the ground, ice of course, and each step has a commandment written on it. The cross is guarded by two angels. And hanging on the cross is a crucified christ himself, This was almost tallest of all next to King Kong. Really beautiful work.
First place in Realistic Multiblock ‘White Fang’
And First in Artistic, ’Pandora’s Box’
‘They Call Her Spirit’
Here are a few that were near or part of the amatuer carvings or just unlabelled. On researching for titles I discovered that I didn’t get everywhere. There are six more to view at http://www.icealaska.com/ in the single block division. They all look like masterpieces and one took first in the realistic category. They are the last six in the list. There you can find specifics about names and countries that the artists came from and active links like webcam and time lapse videos. There is also information about harvesting the ice and history of the championship. I hope you enjoyed. I sure did, and your visit will be much warmer. :-)
One Amatuer depicts the mascot of a beloved out of town pub, Ivory Jacks.
28 Mar, 2009
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Absolutely incredible Gt............thanks so much for sharing this with us....those people are so talented to be able to shape the ice with such precision.....amazing!!
My fave was the Kingfisher....wonderful!....:o)
28 Mar, 2009
Thankyou Greenthumb, for sharing these fantastic photos with us. I am totally in awe of the beautiful workmanship that has gone into these sculptures,,,,,,,,,,,,
28 Mar, 2009
I was so in awe, and I couldn't think of anyone I would rather share them with. :-) I'm glad to share, here ice art is so common alot of us don't go to the chamionship.
28 Mar, 2009
They are simply astounding works of art! So there are some compensations in living where you do...
28 Mar, 2009
lol....:-) They were beautiful but this was still a very cold walk. :-)
28 Mar, 2009
~loved the emperor penguins,but the whole thing is fantastic GT~thanks for the insight into a different world!
I hope you are now thawed out with some hot chocolate!
29 Mar, 2009
I didn't have to wait at all (to see your blog)...you've been very busy GT!! My fav was the Kingfisher! The splash looks like a real splash that froze...really cool...ice-cold in fact! Thanks for sharing, I'd never see anything like that around here.
29 Mar, 2009
I was kept pretty warm wrapped with a wonderful blue scarf Arlene. :-)
Kingfisher really is a triumph. I should take votes. :-) The six I missed on the single block bit really are amazing, worth a look http://www.icealaska.com/
Marguerite, they work on the sculptures in february and the park is open for about a month before the features start to fade. This year we were exceptionally cold at the end so it was extended. Lots of extra info can be found at the site, and I found the time lapse videos of construction very interesting. Not available on all sculptures but on some. I started posting a few and then figured none were worth passing by. Took a little while. :-)
29 Mar, 2009
What lovelly sculpture, you would'nt think they could do that with frozen snow, really enjoyed seeing them with you.
29 Mar, 2009
Enjoyed your ice photos.. they are great.......but makes me feel cold to think of all that ice and snow..........
29 Mar, 2009
Wow Greenthumb, thank you so much for sharing these; they are absolutely incredible, I've never seen anything like it in my life! Amazing, like pure clean glass and the details are mind blowing.
29 Mar, 2009
I had to share. They are world class. Although attendee are those willing to come here and carve outside in february. :-) Thanks for reading my blog and commenting. I'm glad it is enjoyed.
29 Mar, 2009
Wonderful artistry & imagination! Thanks for braving the cold to share these with us !
29 Mar, 2009
These are fantastic works. Those sculpting them must have been very cold. Thanks for showing them.
29 Mar, 2009
It was well below 0F when they were carving. Yeesh, I wouldn't make it. Lovely results though. :-)
30 Mar, 2009
These Ice Sculptors are absolutely incredible! They are so detailed...it's unbelievable! It is a good idea to take many photos so they can be documented before they melt.
I don't like cold weather, however, this would be worth going to Alaska to see in person.
30 Mar, 2009
Absolutely fantastic Greenthumb...thankyou so much for sharing these stunning photos with all of us.With Janey....the kingfisher as favourite : )
2 Apr, 2009
Thank you for braving the cold to share these with us GT. Very clever artists.
2 Apr, 2009
Fab GT just fab...work of art ,thanks for sharing.I like any kind of skulptures..did you see my pics on sandsculptures
4 Apr, 2009
I haven't. I'll check them out.
5 Apr, 2009
WOW Truly amazing such agift to be able to transform into such fantastic sculptures.
5 Apr, 2009
Thank you for showing us Greenthumb. It is just amazing well done them.
6 Apr, 2009
Amazing, never seen anything like it.
25 Apr, 2009
Thanks TOG. It was my first attending, I was really surprized just how good they all were. I missed one whole row sadly.
25 Apr, 2009
Wow, these are incredible. What talent. Thanks so much for sharing!
1 May, 2009
Sure, Elke, being able to share was what got me to finally go I think. It was mind boggling. :-)
2 May, 2009
Usually try to read about Alaska in July & August. Maybe I'll reread it then! Truly astonishing fancies & detailing! Don't like to imagine being so cold for so long: lol about putting your camera under your coat so it would continue to work. Thanks for going and showing.
24 Oct, 2009
I was just thinking how cold I was feeling reading through. :-) Really an amazing show, but definately a cold environment for these to just stand there for months. :-) Thanks for reading Orgratis.
24 Oct, 2009
Just brilliant, its all been said
9 May, 2010
Thank you Brian. This was such an project, I didn't go record this years. Melt came so quick and early this year.
9 May, 2010
WoW! How Beautiful! We sure don't have anything like that! Lucky you! You did a great job photographing it all.
Don't think I could stand all that winter where you live! If you like to spend time on the computer, check out my gardening web site (could help you pass the time and you might get some ideas too!) http://www.allaboutrosegardening.com
30 Jun, 2010
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thanks GT all my kids loved your pics..it amazing what they do with the ice. very cleaver.
28 Mar, 2009