Garden_fool's Profile

About me
We were lucky enough to have bought around an acre and a half of wild hillside in the west of Scotland way before the silly property boom started. We have a house finally after spending 8 years in a caravan with two baby boys a dog, a few mice, a stoat, a considerable number of rainwater leaks and of course several million midges. We moved into the house around 5 years ago and have come to the conclusion that it will be nice when its finished.
Now its time to think about the garden with a little time available and no budget. The flat areas are now to mown grass which is fairly mossy in some parts. The rest is either rough or rough & sloping and all is stony. We are on an acid clay soil that is around 3.5 inches deep on boulder clay. Despite the boulder clay the site retains a lot of water. We have a fine crop of bracken and brambles.
I have called myself 'Garden Fool' after the business term of a 'busy fool' being someone who is always busy working but makes little progress. I am looking for low maintenance plants/ground cover to keep it all under control because when I eventually find the time (and a budget) to enhance in any other way it I'll probably be to old to do it!! (always the optimist).
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Joined in Aug 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Argyll