Hi new gardening freinds
By franktf4
This is going to be a double learning interest, because I am trying to learn how to use this computer aswell as learning more things about gardening. I have tried to put a picture in ADD PHOTOS ……I don’t think it worked. It also takes along time for me to write (this little bit as taken 10 mins so far)
I am going to take some snapshots of my small garden tomorrow, and try to show them when I have found out how to add them to my journal. It is too late now tonight (8:30 pm) to take any.
I have re-found my enthusiasm to do my garden again. Although I’m saying gardening it realy is just greenhouse gardening and anything that will grow in pots. I cannot do too much too fast 10 mins activity 30 mins sit down. You get the picture, pain killers some times work wonders, some times not…..
Thats enough woe is me, now to My Garden, in it I have a 20×8 grenhouse which unfortunatly it has not been used as a greenhouse for about 5 years,so you can imagine what sort of mess it was in. Over the last few weeks I have been getting it ready for the start of next year. There is now a home built propergater with a secondary warm bed for the colder days both with under heating and fully controlable.On the opposite side and all down that side of the G/H. is some staging with a slim shelf a little higher than the main shelf and nearer to the glass,and all is easily watered with aflick of a switch. so as not to put rubbish on these shelves I put some annuals and other plants in pots to keep it something like G/H untill next year Thats enough for now i’ll try to add some more with some photos….see you all franktf4
28 Sep, 2009
Next post: Now I am stuck.
Hi Franktf4 - and welcome to GOY. Once you've got the hang of adding photos, there'll be no stopping you! I'll look forward to seeing them.
Your greenhouse is enormous! It sounds as though you're all sorted to grow all sorts of plants.
28 Sep, 2009
Hi Franktf4...nice to meet you...sounds like you've got your greenhouse up & running ok! Impressive heating & watering system too. I bet you're looking forward to the Spring when you can really get things going!
Look forward to pics of your garden...good luck with getting them on the site...it'll get better with practise!
Best wishes, Fluff.
28 Sep, 2009
Welcome to GoY Frank, you're in the right place for getting lots of advice and help with your gardening and also for improving your computer skills. A lot of us have muddled our way through the technology but it's quite an easy site to use and if you get stuck then just ask a question, you'll soon get answers It's good for practising camera too! Hope to see your photos soon, your greenhouse sounds fantastic.
28 Sep, 2009
Welcome from me to Frank -great sounding greenhouse so will expect great pics when you get the hang of it all. Good luck look forward to hearing more from you.
28 Sep, 2009
Hi Frank,that certainly sounds a good greenhouse you have there,looking forward to seeing and hearing of your progress.Welcome to Goy and enjoy.......
28 Sep, 2009
Hi Frank and welcome to GoY, to add photo's you have to click the 'Add photo's' link at the top right hand corner of your homepage, it then takes you to another page and you will see a 'browse' button, click that and choose the picture from your own folder on your computer and click 'open' that will transfer the image onto the page in http form, after that you can add a title and a comment in the white box'es below, and then scroll down to the bottom and you will see a 'submit' button click that and you should have just uploaded a picture hopefully.
28 Sep, 2009
I think a lot of us are in the same boat - learning about gardening and computers. Good luck withit all. I'm sure you'll do well with both.
Welcome to GoY. I hope you enjoy it and I shall look forward to your photos when you put them on, and more blogs too .
29 Sep, 2009
Hello, from me. Like you I am just learning to use the computer, and there is always something you need to know about gardening; this is the right site to be on as everyone is so friendly and helpful.
29 Sep, 2009
Hi Frank... welcome to GoY :o)
30 Sep, 2009
Hi, Frank.
I am new to this site also and admire your photos. The greenhouse looks a brilliant set up. During winter you will still be able to do your gardening despite the cold. The front garden is a beautiful sight.
3 Oct, 2009
Pipsqueak, your avatar is very cute :-)
Is this one of your own dogs ??
I read your profile, i too am a hopeless plantaholic !!!
3 Oct, 2009
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Hello Frank, and welcome to GoY :) Your greenhouse sounds brilliant! Looking forward to seeing pics of your garden...:)
28 Sep, 2009