By franktf4
I’m so sorry for not talking to you all on G o Y. I’ve no excusses , other than I was going to cantact and contact and contact -—- you all, then time just went by and things just got left. Again sorry.
What new changes have been made on the site, I’m still not very good on the computer, so it will take me awhile to get used to the new changes.
This is a picture of my front garden for this year.
25 Nov, 2010
Previous post: ENJOYED TODAY
Smashing garden .... nice to see you back on GoY :o)))
25 Nov, 2010
welcome back lets hope next year gives you an equally good display.
25 Nov, 2010
Well hello Frank, so pleased to hear from you. Wondered how you are . Your garden looks brilliant, well done.
25 Nov, 2010
Glad to see you back on Frank....What a beautiful display of mesynbrianthemums.....Hmm that might not be spelt right but you know.......Lol
25 Nov, 2010
Wow what a colourful front garden Frank, it's good to have you back - you've been missed. It's so easy to 'not get around to things' and before you know it, months have passed. Don't leave it so long next time and good luck with the new look GOY!
25 Nov, 2010
Glad you are ok Frank. Your garden was certainly "a picture" this summer. :-)
25 Nov, 2010
Hello Frank summer is such a busy time in the garden but pleased you are back.
25 Nov, 2010
I'm newish here, Frank....but just wanted to say your front garden blooms are beautiful and lush. Very cheery reminder of summer colour. Stick around...and you'll soon get the lay of the land on the new or revised features on GoY. :)
26 Nov, 2010
you must be the envy of all your neighbors with that front garden! Wonderful!
26 Nov, 2010
Lovely front garden Frank. Welcome back.
I love your Mesembryanthemum. Just gorgeous.
26 Nov, 2010
Wow!!! Great photo's. We haven't met...but welcome back anyway. ;)
26 Nov, 2010
Hi Frank
I only joined GOY in October but am so glad I did as everyone is so friendly and helpful.
I love the post you have supported several baskets in your front garden - are they fuschias in them ?
Let's hope next summer is good for you too.
26 Nov, 2010
Nice to see your back with us, lovely front garden.
26 Nov, 2010
Thanks all, Another bit of news I have got to tell you is My wife and I are now Grand Parents for 3rd time. A new baby boy was born on the 9/10/2010. I wander if He will like gardening when He is older.
I have also taken on an allotment with the help of one of my friends. Three raised beds 1yrdx27yrds. We are looking farward to next spring.
1 Dec, 2010
Congratulations Frank, a new baby brings such Joy.
2 Dec, 2010
So pleased to hear from you again Frank. As I don't have 'favourites' I kept clicking on your site now and again to see if there was anything from you. Your front garden looks amazing. Hope your fish make it through this terrible winter:-)
4 Jan, 2011
lovely :)
7 Jun, 2011
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21 Mar, 2010
- I've been quiet
9 Mar, 2010
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- Things seem to be getting in the way.
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- Hi mates still here.
24 Nov, 2009
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I am so glad to hear from you I was wondering if you were OK?
Your garden looks lovely role on next year!
25 Nov, 2010