1066 Country
By drc726
I wonder if you would like to see my walk today.
In the distance in the next 3 pics is the site of the Battle of Hastings which was fought on Senlac Hill in 1066
These 3 ducks live in this little house but only 2 ever come across to say hello can you see the 2 young cows having a drink?
26 Sep, 2009
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Next post: Cows can you see them now?
Lovely! Gorgeous scenery, but what cows??
26 Sep, 2009
Very enjoyable walk with lovely photographs, smashing views of your area....
26 Sep, 2009
At the back of the photo left of the ducks house where the gap is in the trees are 2 cows drinking quite plain to see till I up loaded it.
26 Sep, 2009
beautiful walk with some lovely photos
26 Sep, 2009
Ah! Theyre black! Thats why I didnt see them! I thought that was just shadow!
26 Sep, 2009
Madperth one was black the other light brown
26 Sep, 2009
Well I found the black one! LOL! I have double vision, so it gets confusing! I'll look again!
I can still just see the black one, but at least I see summat!! LOL!
26 Sep, 2009
Lovely walk nice country side.
26 Sep, 2009
Lovely photos. I can't see any cows though.
27 Sep, 2009
Perhaps you and me need to go to Specsavers Hywel!
A lovely walk Denise, you're lucky to have this on your doorstep. We used to visit Hastings often when my mother in law was alive.
27 Sep, 2009
Yes, Hastings was a favourite place to visit when we lived in Kent!
I need to come to Specsavers, as well, Lily! I see no cows at all.........:-((
27 Sep, 2009
Perhaps we might get a group discount!
27 Sep, 2009
Count me in too please ..great photos Drc Stamford Bridge North of York not too far from here where Harold defeated Vikings before having to march down to Sussex in a matter of days .No wonder they lost ..
27 Sep, 2009
Lovely pics and cheese scones halfway sounds delicious. You got the weather for it too!
27 Sep, 2009
Perfect day Spindle and another blue sky day today.
27 Sep, 2009
Here too! How is your helianthus coming along, by the way? Its the nicest thing in my garden at the moment.
27 Sep, 2009
I agree with you Spindle posted a pic of mine yesterday. I am going to get another one.
27 Sep, 2009
Dont bother getting another one - just dig up and split the one you have in the spring - mine has honestly doubled in size from last year - amazing. I'm going to have to split it again next spring before it takes over the world...:o)
27 Sep, 2009
Yes your right mine is huge and only went in in July/August time.
27 Sep, 2009
Wouldn't mind a pink one though..lol
27 Sep, 2009
Wonderful place to amble (and eat) and yet more sunshine....now you're just showing off!! lol
27 Sep, 2009
Just the same today all sun and warm but no rain for weeks. Will not tell where they have hot cheese scones and a pint!
27 Sep, 2009
lovely walk Dc. but even with my glasses and spy glass i cant see the cows lol,
28 Sep, 2009
Aye Sandra if that werent bad enough Drc reckons we should be able to see a black and brown one .. whatever next herds of wildebeest sweeping across the plains ?
And so to bed x night night.
28 Sep, 2009
lmao ray, nite nite dont forget to count the cows lol
28 Sep, 2009
LOL! Night Ray!! Sweet dreams (of invisible cows???)
28 Sep, 2009
The cows are now enlarged on a new blog for you all to see a white and light brown one. it took me ages but i now know how to crop and edit pics hooray!
29 Sep, 2009
That'll teach me to read forward through blogs and not backward course I can see the wildebeest ! hah thats one in the eye for specsavers eh! (what ducks?)
29 Sep, 2009
You told me one of them was black, D! LOL!
29 Sep, 2009
Till I looked again I thought the brown one was black and the white one was brown?
29 Sep, 2009
Wind-up merchant! I thought it was black too, but no wonder I couldnt see a brown one as well!!!
29 Sep, 2009
Lovely walk D and thanks for sharing through such brilliant pics....:0)
2 Oct, 2009
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Beautiful pictures, I would love to walk there. Thank you for sharing.
26 Sep, 2009