The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Daylily's Garden

Daylily has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent

Abelia grandiflora

Added on 4 Sep, 2020 | 1 photo

Had for years but not on my list

Acer Palmatum 'Bloodgood'

Added on 5 Jul, 2010 | 7 photos

Acer Palmatum 'Inabe Shidare'

Added on 5 Jul, 2010 | 0 photos

Acer shirasawanum Moonrise

Added on 23 Jun, 2019 | 2 photos

GW Live new one 2022

Achillea Fanal

Added on 31 May, 2021 | 1 photo

X 2 Farmyard Nurseries

Achillea Milly Rock Yellow Terracotta

Added on 29 Jul, 2020 | 0 photos

Secret Gardening Club x 3 don't have much hope of them doing much as 9cm pots but took the risk

Achillea Teracotta

Added on 25 Jun, 2018 | 1 photo

2 x from GW Live 16.06.18

Achillea Teracotta 2

Added on 23 Jul, 2024 | 0 photos

2 from Ashwood Nurseries 17/07/24

Achillea Terracotta

Added on 5 Jun, 2015 | 2 photos

x 3 from Crocus

Agapanthus africanus alba

Added on 5 Jul, 2010 | 4 photos

GWLive 2010

Agapanthus Bridal Bouquet

Added on 1 May, 2018 | 1 photo

Pavilion GC

Agastache Blue Boa

Added on 16 Mar, 2019 | 1 photo

3 Crocus

Ajuga Chocolate Chip

Added on 7 Jun, 2016 | 1 photo

Ashwoods, For new alpine pot

Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow

Added on 13 Jun, 2015 | 0 photos

GW Live 12.06.15 for alpine pot now on front garden border

Alpines from GWL x 6

Added on 23 Jun, 2013 | 0 photos

Arabis ferdinanda-coburgi 'Old Gold'
Armeria martima Rubrifolia
Chaenorhinum origanifolium 'Blue D...

Alstoemeria Indian Summer

Added on 13 Jun, 2015 | 15 photos

Lealans £7.99 13.06.15. Did really well very pleased also shoots already coming through March/April 2016.

Alstroemeria 'Little Miss Sophie'

Added on 9 Apr, 2016 | 2 photos

Coblands April 2016 . Dwarf variety 6" x 8-12", pots/borders, well drained soil, sun/part shade. Lost...

Alstroemeria anticancha Cabana

Added on 23 Jun, 2019 | 3 photos

GW Live got this through 2019 winter as wasn't sure it would survive
Lost winter 22

Alstroemeria Indian Summer

Added on 23 Jul, 2024 | 0 photos

New one purchased Ashwood Nurseries 08/07/24 as old one dwindling away now but will try to move and see if it wi...

Alstroemeria psittacina

Added on 9 Apr, 2014 | 2 photos

Beth Chatto Gardens online

Alstroemeria Summer Ice

Added on 6 May, 2023 | 1 photo

Astwood nurseries 01/05/23

Alstroemeria Summer Sky

Added on 1 May, 2018 | 2 photos

Farmyard Nurseries, lost winter 22

Alstromeria Summer Breeze

Added on 1 May, 2018 | 6 photos

Farmyard Nurseries
Bought a further one 01/05/23 Ashwood Nurseries
First one still going but never gets very big

Aruncus 'Misty Lace'

Added on 23 Jun, 2013 | 10 photos

GWL 2013

Aruncus dioicus 'Horatio'

Added on 13 May, 2016 | 2 photos


Aster frikartii Monch

Added on 22 Sep, 2019 | 7 photos


Aster novi belgii White Ladies

Added on 3 Sep, 2020 | 1 photo

Bought with others from SG Club July 2020


Added on 12 May, 2010 | 2 photos

Astrantia Major

Added on 6 Jun, 2010 | 3 photos

Astrantia major Large White

Added on 22 Sep, 2019 | 2 photos


Astrantia sunningdale variegated

Added on 13 May, 2012 | 11 photos

Bought May 2012, Malvern Show

Bergenia 'Bressingham White'

Added on 3 May, 2011 | 3 photos

Betula Utilis Jaquemontii 'Silver Shadow'

Added on 6 Oct, 2010 | 4 photos

Ashwood Nurseries Autumn 2009

Briza Media

Added on 29 Jul, 2020 | 0 photos

9cm pot Secret Gardening Club

Briza media 'Golden Bee'

Added on 23 Jun, 2013 | 1 photo

GWL 2013

Buddleja Davidii Royal Red

Added on 20 Jul, 2010 | 4 photos

Campanula punctata Rubrifolia

Added on 13 Jun, 2015 | 1 photo

x 3 GW Live 12.06.15

Campanula punctata Wedding Bells

Added on 13 Jun, 2015 | 1 photo

x 3 GW Live 12.06.15

Canna Eric Neubert

Added on 17 Jun, 2017 | 0 photos


Canna Tali

Added on 19 Jun, 2016 | 0 photos

GW Live 2016

Centaura Dealbata

Added on 5 Jul, 2010 | 2 photos

Bought GWLive June 2010. Grows up to 75cm above a lower mound of silvery foliage. Do chelsea chop to stop flopping.

Choisya x dewitteana Aztec Pearl

Added on 1 Jun, 2013 | 10 photos

Pressie from mom

Clematis Miss Bateman

Added on 31 May, 2021 | 0 photos

Small pot from asda

Clematis The President

Added on 6 May, 2012 | 0 photos

Got last year 2011 from Gardeners World mag

Clematis Warsaw Nike

Added on 6 May, 2012 | 0 photos

Got last year 2011 from Gardeners World Mag

Cornus Alba Eligantissima

Added on 7 Apr, 2010 | 2 photos

Cornus Alba Kesselringii

Added on 6 Jun, 2012 | 1 photo

Genus: Cornus.
Species: Cornus alba.

Cornus alternifolia argentea

Added on 22 Apr, 2010 | 9 photos

Cosmos astroesanguineus

Added on 12 Jul, 2015 | 0 photos

Cotinus 'royal purple'

Added on 7 Apr, 2010 | 3 photos

Genus: Cotinus.
Species: Cotinus coggygria.

Crytonium fortunei

Added on 1 Apr, 2015 | 2 photos

Ashwoods bought 31/3/15

Darmera Peltata

Added on 5 Jul, 2010 | 5 photos

Dianthus Little Doris

Added on 26 Apr, 2024 | 0 photos

23.04.24 from village

Dianthus Starry Eyes

Added on 7 Jun, 2016 | 1 photo

Ashwoods, For new alpine pot

Diascia 'Little Dazzler'

Added on 23 Jun, 2013 | 1 photo

GWL 2013

Echinacea Baby Swan White

Added on 10 Jul, 2022 | 1 photo

Goulds Weymouth

Echinacea Purpurea

Added on 5 Jul, 2010 | 2 photos

Echinacea purpurea Alba

Added on 15 May, 2016 | 0 photos


Echinacea Sundown

Added on 27 Jun, 2021 | 1 photo

2 from Ashwood Nurseries didn't come back 2022

Echinacea White Swan

Added on 5 Jul, 2010 | 1 photo

Flowered well in 2011.

Echinacea White Swan x 1

Added on 29 Jul, 2020 | 1 photo

New SGClub 9cm pot

Epimedium x youngianum Niveum

Added on 3 Feb, 2011 | 2 photos

Erodium x variable Bishops Form

Added on 13 Jun, 2015 | 0 photos

GW Live 12.06.15 for alpine pot new small plant bought 13.09.20

Erythronium californicum 'White Beauty'

Added on 9 Apr, 2014 | 4 photos

Beth Chatto Gardens online - flowers April, noticed growth coming through around early march. Had flower on when...

Eupatorium 'Chocolate'

Added on 12 May, 2010 | 11 photos

Eupatorium Atropurpureum

Added on 18 Sep, 2016 | 0 photos

Morrisons £1.50

Festuca Intense Blue

Added on 13 Jun, 2015 | 0 photos

GW live 12.06.15. Planted in front border

Fuchsia Coralle

Added on 31 May, 2021 | 0 photos

X2 Ashwoods


Added on 16 Mar, 2014 | 1 photo

Moved from front garden to back

Geranium himalayense Gravetye

Added on 5 Jul, 2010 | 2 photos

Geranium magnificum Rosemoor

Added on 26 May, 2020 | 4 photos

Bought Feb 2019 bareroot from J Parkers flowering lovely 2020

Geranium Phaeum 'Somobor'

Added on 7 Apr, 2010 | 0 photos

Genus: Geranium.
Species: Geranium phaeum.

Geranium Psilostemon

Added on 22 Apr, 2010 | 8 photos

Geranium Stormchaser

Added on 16 Sep, 2020 | 0 photos


Geranium Sue Crug

Added on 18 Jun, 2015 | 1 photo

x 2 Long Acre Plants online

Geranium sylvaticum Album

Added on 5 Jul, 2010 | 4 photos

Geum 'Mai Tai'

Added on 13 May, 2016 | 5 photos

Coblands. For front border

Geum borisii

Added on 13 Jun, 2015 | 1 photo

x 3 GW Live 12.06.15

Geum Red Wings

Added on 31 May, 2021 | 1 photo

Farmyard Nurseries

Geum rivale

Added on 17 Jun, 2014 | 0 photos

13.06.14 Riverside Nurseries GWLive

Geum Scarlet Tempest

Added on 23 Jun, 2019 | 1 photo

GW Live

Geum Totally Tangerine

Added on 29 Jun, 2015 | 4 photos

Ashwood Nurseries.lost after 3 years. Bought new one from GW Live 15/06/19

Gillenia trifoliata

Added on 20 May, 2010 | 9 photos

GWLive 2009

Hakonechloa macra Aureola

Added on 1 May, 2018 | 2 photos

Farmyard Nurseries. Bought new plant at GW live 160618 as one from Farmyards not growing

Hebe Silver Queen

Added on 23 Nov, 2017 | 1 photo

Present for my birthday

Helenium Autumnale

Added on 24 Jun, 2017 | 0 photos

Bought 18th June 2017 Lealans

Helenium Moorheim Beauty

Added on 1 Aug, 2011 | 6 photos

2 x new Crocus 22.06.18

Hemerocallis 'Bela Lugosi'

Added on 7 Apr, 2010 | 16 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: hemerocallis bella lugosa.

Hemerocallis 'Canadian Border Patrol'

Added on 9 Apr, 2016 | 10 photos

Coblands April 2016. Large creamy yellow flowers with a deep purple edge and eye, early/mid season, repeat bloo...

Hemerocallis 'Sammy Russel'

Added on 13 May, 2016 | 2 photos

Coblands for front border

Hemerocallis 'Stafford'

Added on 31 May, 2013 | 15 photos

From Crocus

Hemerocallis Black Magic

Added on 17 Jun, 2014 | 9 photos

Bought 13.06.14 Hopleys GwLive

Heuchera 'Marvelous Marble'

Added on 1 Aug, 2011 | 3 photos

Heuchera 'Plum Pudding'

Added on 22 Jun, 2011 | 3 photos

GW Live 2011

Heuchera Black Beauty

Added on 24 May, 2015 | 3 photos

Homebase 24/05/15

Heuchera Lime Marmalade

Added on 17 Jun, 2014 | 2 photos

13.06.14 GwLive. Still going 2016. Lost 2023

Heuchera Peach Flambe

Added on 19 Jun, 2016 | 0 photos

GW LIVE 2016

Heuchera Pear Crisp

Added on 17 Jun, 2014 | 1 photo

13.06.14 Plantagogo GWLive. Didn't survive following year.

Heuchera Plum Royale

Added on 20 Jul, 2011 | 0 photos

Heucherella Fire Frost

Added on 19 Jun, 2016 | 3 photos

GW Live 2016