The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Chickenmaddave's Profile



About me

Hi well about me all my life i have strugled with working managing money and stress many failing building and development buisneses finaly when purchasing a new home with no development ideas up front me my loverly partner and 3 loverly girls have finaly settled down and im embarking on a new venture to produce own veg and some eggs well that was plan now it looks like the pony is coming home posibly a goat a pig and lots of chickens ducks and geas so will have my hands full but this time there is no stress and the work load is rewarding ,nearly forgot baby ginipigs and now kids want a buck rabit to mate there 3 dowes keep watching as if i can manage to keep this up will try to add regular updates and photoes.

What else

Joined in Feb 2009

Country: United Kingdom

County: lincolnshire