Chickadee's Profile

About me
The area of the Pacific Northwestern U.S. we live in is mostly temperate climate, not too terribly hot in the summers, not a real deep freeze in the wintertime. Our home is on 5 acres, surrounded by wooded land. We have one neighbor to the south of us that we can actually see, happens to me my husband's sister and her husband. We homesteaded this land and have lived here for 31 years. We're not as seriously into vegetable gardening as we were when raising children, now have 3 raised beds in the garden proper but many plantings of flowers, assorted berries, herbs and shrubbery around the home. My sister, 'Catfinch', introduced me to this forum sometime ago, and have finally taken the leap into the fray here, looks very inviting! I will post pix asap, love to feed the songbirds, so have several pictures of those to share as well as gardening efforts to show and tell of also.
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Joined in Aug 2010
Country: United States
State: Washington