Big Garden Birdwatch 2010
By busylizzy
I received a catalogue from the RSPB today and inside was a flyer advertising the Big Garden Birdwatch which is being held on 30-31 January 2010. They are asking people to keep watch over an hour and make a note of the total number of any species of birds that land during that time. They have all the details on their website. As a lot of us spend a lot of time/effort and money on making sure our feathered friends are looked after during the year, I thought I’d mention it. I’m sure quite a few of you are already aware, but just incase you aren’t take a look at the RSPB website under birdwatch.
Although you cant see clearly here, the small birds feeding on the black seed are goldfinches – I was amazed because at one time there were eighteen of them all feeding at once!
13 Jan, 2010
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OH thank you so much this is so beautiful I can spend hours just sitting and watching the birds in my back yard it looks just like this so much fun.
13 Jan, 2010
I took part in this last year and it was fascinating. You have to record what birds you see over an hour or so - it's amazing that we see them everyday but don't realise how many varieties we all get...please take part - it's fun!
13 Jan, 2010
I will try and find out about it
13 Jan, 2010
Thanks BusyL, I do this every year. Last year I printed out my results and kept it so I could compare it to this years. It is interesting to do, and informative for the RSPB.
Yes, I get lots of Goldfinches too, such pretty birds.
13 Jan, 2010
will check it out lizzy thanx, it wont bother me sitting an hour i do that just watching them all now :o)
13 Jan, 2010
Will certainly take part, thanks for letting us know.
13 Jan, 2010
Thanks Lizzie I also take part yearly and it will be very interesting comparing against the past few years especially as we have been having such extremely bad weather this Jan.......
13 Jan, 2010
ive just registered and printed my form off ready :o)) looking forward to it
13 Jan, 2010
~you can complete it it online I think?Iam a member of the RSPB but I don't think you have to be,you can pre register now~
13 Jan, 2010
I also take part every year I complete it on line.
14 Jan, 2010
Thanx 4 the reminder Liz i did it 4 the 1st time last yr & il deff do it again :)
14 Jan, 2010
Yes, I did as well. Thanks for the reminder! I shall do it again this year. I should imagine the results will be a bit different, sadly.
14 Jan, 2010
They always send mine out to me, been doing it for quite a few years now.
14 Jan, 2010
Glad to hear everyone is interested in/or already involved in it. This will be the first year for me - hopefully this dreadful weather won't have had too terrible a toll on our birds.
14 Jan, 2010
Thanks Busy - I'll be doing it again too, thanks for reminding us of the date.
14 Jan, 2010
We too do this every year Busylizzy...fingers crossed for a good turnout.Many of us have pulled all the stops out for them in these freezing temperatures..........
16 Jan, 2010
Absolutely Bonkersbon, they have had a hard time of it these past few weeks, so fingers crossed.
16 Jan, 2010
sunny day here today and the numbers of birds has halved at the feeders.Have seen midges too...which is good news for the insect eaters.Still had our "regulars " though...and the sparrow hawk was patrolling.........
17 Jan, 2010
Same here, Ive missed seeing the robin and the goldfinches - the starlings are still making the most of the fatfeeders - I walked down to the veg garden this morning and saw midges too, I thought they only surfaced in the summer!
17 Jan, 2010
Lulled out by the sun probably ! Our two robins still around and as you say the starlings still feeding like mad,but smaller flock ! Only had about 8 today compared with 20 plus in the snow !
17 Jan, 2010
Recent posts by busylizzy
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Thanks for the info.
Good pic :o)
13 Jan, 2010