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Burbix's Profile



About me

Burbix is a Baby skin care products India offering a range of products for infants and children. Their products are infused with natural ingredients such as neem, almond and tulsi which ensures delicate and sensitive skin is treated with utmost care. They also use Ayurvedic healing processes to ensure all their products are 100% safe, gentle and non-toxic. Their range of products includes baby soaps, lotions, creams, oils, shampoos and much more, all tailored to nourish a baby’s skin and promote healthy growth. Their products are also free from any harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances, making them highly reliable and gentle on young skin. All the products from Burbix combine the highest quality ingredients and revolutionary science which have been proven to deliver amazing results on a baby’s skin.

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Joined in Jul 2023

Country: India

County/State: Delhi

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