Blah13's Profile

About me
I am 32 yrs old and getting back into gardening after not doing or i suppose not having anywhere to do it for many years. I now live in an end terrece house with a lovly large back yard but its all paved and cement. So i've been doing alot of lage potted mixed plants and so on. Now i've decided to go further and create large boxed frames and trying to design the yard into a small paradise for myself and my partner with lots of flowering plants. At the moment i'm trying to create a 8 foot by 2 foot area for spring bulbs which i've have ordered and are on the way around 300 bulbs. I love having different colours of flowers (it helps brighten up your day by just looking at them and knowing i did that)
forgot to include that i love geraniums and fuschias. Came across a catalogue for Vernon geranium nursery and hav to say i went abit mad and ordered 20 or so different 1's. My partner is going to kill me when all these plants arrive it'll be where you goin to put that and how much was this :-) fun times.........oh and lavender
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Joined in Sep 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: belfast