The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Bamadz's Profile



About me

I am a retired corporate executive. I got tired of the rat race faxed in my resignation and never looked back. A few years ago we downsized and left the big house and yard with pool. In my younger years I would get out at daybreak and work in the garden before going to work.
We live in a house with a postage stamp yard and these days my gardening is at our lake house. I can't do as much myself as I used to do due to to a back injury so I get help with the hardscape and deep planting. We lost our oldest daughter recently and have put in a memory garden. The lake property is mostly shade and woodland so I try to use a lot of native plants like oak leaf hydrangea, mountain laurel, ferns, etc. I am always looking to ad color and whimsy.

Latest photos

  • DSC00666
  • lake view

What else

Joined in Feb 2012

Country: United States

State: Alabama