Annelise's Profile

About me
May 2010
Hi everyone I live in Stratford upon Avon and am new to gardening It has taken me a long time sorting out the heavy clay soil and debris the builders left behind (as in a new build property). We have a long narrow garden surrounded by high walls. Been browsing at the lovely gardens on here, you are all truly inspirational. So glad I found this site as know nothing about gardening and am finding all the comments and info on here a great help.
Two years later and I am finally getting somewhere. There have been a few hit & misses and a couple of false starts whereupon I've had to take things out that have not done well. We have a North facing garden so been a bit tricky. It doesn't help that I adore acid loving plants but I'm slowly and surely finding other plants. Now have Paeonies/Roses /ClematisPhilidelphus/Sambucca growing. July/August shrubs and hebacaeous flowering perenials are my next goal
Here's to attaining some sort of garden with your help!
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Joined in May 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Warwickshire