Patrick's Profile

About me
Keen amature gardner, near retirement. I like hill walking with my wee Jack russell dog,When I was a boy my mother worked in a nursery,( John Aitchison, The Allens Nurseries Renfrew) so this is were I got my love for gardning, My favourite flowers are geranium, begonia prima-donna, dahlia, As we spend most of our summer at our holiday home at Elie it's mostly containers, & a few hanging baskets. The last two years I've won first place in my section, Which gives me great satisfaction after the hard work,but( I would like to shoot the rabbits ( " Ha Ha") they destroyed most of my young plants hence i built a wee fence to keep them out. I worked for an American engineering firm Eton hydraulics for a lot of years,I was asked to go and work in Minnesota, but the wife would'nt go so we never went. now I work for a German engineering firm will be retiring soon.
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Joined in Jan 2008
Country: United Kingdom
County: Fife Scotland