Anyone else fancy a brain teaser?
Inspired by Andrewr’s puzzler recently, I thought I would think something up. I would like to see a regular features of puzzles, guessing games from you all, anyway here go:-
My 1st is in trouble but not in strife,
My 2nd is in girfriend & also in wife.
My 3rd is the capital of a passion we share,
My next leads a shape, but it’s not quite square.
My 5th is in penny & also in pound,
My 6th starts “morning glory” with flowers abound.
My 7th starts the christian name of Andrewr’s frog,
My last is written by mistake on this blog.
What am I?
11 Apr, 2008
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Meh - my brain hurts. :-(
I got: _ _ g t _ m a _ so far.......
11 Apr, 2008
Is it B E G O N I A S, Poppy ?
11 Apr, 2008
Spot on Xela. Mark you had it staring you in the face as it were. Hope you can all work out how Xela got there. Will have to make the next puzzler a bit tuffer I think. Thanks all for having a go, anyone else got anything to make us think?
11 Apr, 2008
We could have a sweepstake on how many plant pictures I take on my holiday? Not that I'm going to put them ALL on GOY, just a few to whet your appetites
11 Apr, 2008
How long you going for a week? Probably about 260.
11 Apr, 2008
HHHhhhhmm now lets think i can do this 1 lol 500 :) well i take a good50 aday & chose the best&delete the rest ;)
11 Apr, 2008
About 750 - or until your battery runs down! lol - dont forget to take the charger with you Andrew, I guess you'll need it!
11 Apr, 2008
Begonias? Oh, dear. I really am rubbish at these things!
I reckon Andrew takes ...... 300 pictures :-)
12 Apr, 2008
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29 Aug, 2008
Hi Poppy got a B and an O and a N not me is it ? Im flattered ! Not sure about the last line though.
11 Apr, 2008