The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Martina's Profile



About me

Always felt my best in nature and in a garden. Other women spend on clothes and jewellery, I spend on my garden. Take me to a garden centre or nursery and it will be hard for me to come out empty handed. I love the long days of summer when I can spend hours in my garden and come in having done far too much, as usual. So what about the grey days of autumn? and the darkness of winter? Sad, very sad is all I can say.
I've gardened on three continents - tropical Africa, continental Russia, and island England, so there is a lot to learn and retain, and I don't always get it right, but one day I hope I will before we all have to change again and put in drought resistant plants. I even wrote a gardening book once, in Malawi.
I love chatting about plants and would love to swop some with someone living locally. I love dogs too.

What else

Joined in Oct 2008

Country: United Kingdom

County: Brighton and Hove