Can anyone help me identify these plants?
By 4ddreamscape
Hi everyone,
Been so busy in the garden not had time to go online, the weather has been fantastic here for a change.
Good things that have happened – one of my Himalayan poppy seeds has germinated – just the one! My Hollyhocks shot up in quick time and I have now transplanted them into 3" pots. The oriental poppies have germinated both in the garden and in the seed tray.My mint has finally decided to show itself. The hanging baskets are done. My Tacca black bat isn’t dead after all, much to my surprise. Things are sprouting all about the garden and the nasty hedra helix ivy which was taking over the world let alone my garden has gone – yeah!!!
As I am new to all this I don’t know half of what is appearing and would be very grateful for any help in identifying the plants. Gilli has very kindly spotted my cotoneaster. Even when I think I have identified something, there seems to be so many varieties I’m back to square one!
20 Apr, 2009
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Previous post: Done to Much
I agree, the last photo is a peony. The bright green leaves behind the peony look to be a horse chestnut tree.
The shrub in the second photo looks like it might be an azelea but it's hard to tell from this photo. It is a little too far away. The blue flowers in front of the shrub look to be grape hyacinths (Muscari).
I think the third photo is of Black Mondo Grass (Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens')
That's the best I can do. :o)
21 Apr, 2009
That's what I would have said too.
21 Apr, 2009
agreed. great minds think alike.
one first pic of a shrub that is far away could it be fatsia japonica? on second thoughts maybe a spotted laurel?
21 Apr, 2009
Pic 1 if it is a Japonica it is a fine specimen you have there, could we have a close up of the leaves please but not too close! PS are you placing trellis along the side of the garage wall PPS an interesting shaped plot leading into secret garden areas, oh what I would like to do with it.
Have fun
21 Apr, 2009
Thanks everyone for your help.
The tree behind the peony is a horse chestnut, think a squirrel must have buried it! I have lots of grape hyacinths both in front and back. I think they are lovely.
The big plant on photo 1 is a fatsia japonica and the little one in the raised bed I think is a Pieris japonica 'Forest Flame' but not entirely sure will pop a closer photo on.
I have some horizontal fixed wires across the garage to act as a support for the climbing plants.
The secret garden area is going to be my seperate little world. I am going to use the decking as the base for a greenhouse and have a small veg patch. Having removed the seating area, I am going to develop a bigger, much nicer patio area at the back of the house where the patio doors are to create a nice space for the family to sit.
21 Apr, 2009
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4 Feb, 2008
Hello dreamscape, picture 4 I would say it is a Peony you have there!
21 Apr, 2009