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I have had a burgmansia plant for about 4 years it has grown about 2 1/2 feet barely gets any food. It also has never been cut. I live in Ontario and keep it inside all year round, in a sunny window. What should i do to it...? I thought it was healthy untill i started researching..Why does it need to be cut...OH it is s thin stock very curvy have to use a bamboo stick to support it.. Also has like 9 huge leaves...



I am in UK . I feed with high potash food during early summer (eg. tomato food) You will probably lose most leaves over the winter, but just keep it slightly less than dry. it will recover next year (fingers crossed)

8 Aug, 2012


Im my experience, Most Brugs hate being pot bound, hate being dried out in the growing season and hate being starved. If you do not give them what they need, they will get stressed and then get prone to pests such as whitefly, red spider mite and aphids.

I always prune mine down to about 12" in winter and keep them pretty dry and pretty cold.....but frost free.

8 Aug, 2012

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