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describe the inside of a daffodil



Please look at photos of them, and you can do the description yourself.
You don't need us to answer this!

I think this is another exam question.

13 Sep, 2010


if I were a busy bee I would describe the inside of a daffodil as a large cavernouse orifice burning with a blistering sungold bedazzlement ever drawing me in nearer & nearer to it's sweet hypnotic allure & promise of necter & satiate myself within untill my fill endangers a smooth exit towhich I might faulter mid flight impacting my hairy body into a tangled web of mistrust & envy, envy from the eight legged 12 eyed one who's hunger over rides feelings of compassion for tis he who wants but cannot fly, my intoxication distorting images of stamens & pistils reaching out to ensnare me, my faultering demi micron sized brain bringing on wistful memories , that I may never feel the comfort of my legs x 6 on honeycomb ,that ambrosia to the gods of nature & fecundity & those really peculier creatures that stand aloft on legs x 2, yes, they that house us then smoke us out to gain access to our hard earned store for their own consumption, politicians I believe they be called - - -damn you daffodil I say, damn you & thrice damn you. The End.
Exam result _ _ _ C+

13 Sep, 2010


Methinks you've been reading too much Joyce, Bizzyb!

13 Sep, 2010


WHO ???? ;-) Actually it's Spritzhenry's comment that inspired a moment of late night daftness. I'm now going to Google 'Joyce' - - - - - OK, just had a looksee, James Joyce eh? I think I may have heard of him but no idea about his works.

13 Sep, 2010


Well, it sounded a bit like Ulysses, if he had been a bee!

13 Sep, 2010


Joyce ???? Ulysses ??? "crypes" no wonder things wont stick together when I use erudite !!!! ;-))
Q: would the collective noun of reading gardeners be a 'bookworm ' of gardeners? If so would that qualify them as a 'pest' & what would you suggest to control them ?

14 Sep, 2010


Is that another gardening question, Bizzyb??? i can answer that one!


I love your JJ answer, by the way, and award you an overall C- on the grounds that your punctuation is almost non-existent. LOL. (Vocabulary - A*.)

14 Sep, 2010


Only if you describe the outside, Guest...

14 Sep, 2010


It was late SpritzH, clearly I was bored & had nothing better to do so amused myself with abit of back to school tomfoolery, your so right about punctuation, drove the teachers mad it did ! I must have been bad in a past life - - - been married to a teacher for the past 35 years !!!!???? ( fortunately she's maths, so I have escaped detention thus far ;-) but a SQUISHING might be on the cards if I don't get those lawns trimmed.

14 Sep, 2010


Ooops! At least you can tell her that an ex-teacher awarded you an A* for your vocabulary! ;-)

14 Sep, 2010


OH NO !! I'm surrounded - - - - -!!!!

14 Sep, 2010


I'm afraid so...once a teacher, always a teacher. It's in the blood. LOL.

15 Sep, 2010

How do I say thanks?

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