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Centauria, Amethyst in Snow

Centauria, Amethyst in Snow (Centaurea montana (Berg Centaurie))

My centauria survived winter, came back late but strong and is coming into a second flush of blooms. I might have a nice patch next year. It is a bit more sprawling than I expected, but I still like it. :-)

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It's lovely! :))

27 Aug, 2013


Thank you Karen. I sure wish it bloomed like a chrysanthemum or something more dense, but maybe that will happen down the road as it matures.

28 Aug, 2013


Great to see your new garden settling in. Have you had frost yet?

29 Aug, 2013


Thanks Homebird, It seems nice and tough too.

Sadly, Lori, we are about four days in since the first lowland frost. I am high enough in elevation that I haven't run any risk. Last few years, we've had early frost and then a long cool autumn. I hope for that, rather than early snow. There, the s word for the f Late spring this year so the garden feels like early august. Gonna freeze standing up I'm afraid.

29 Aug, 2013


We've had a very strange August, Gt. Nights dipping so close to frost that I've had to bring my orchids indoors. (6 degrees C) The Farmer's Almanac is predicting a very cold winter ahead...I just hope it doesn't set in around the first week of October! At the rate we're going it could be the last week of September... arghhh. Going to plant some bulbs and usually I can wait til November to do that..but this year I'm worried!

30 Aug, 2013


It does seem like the cold is rushing in quick this year. Our end of winter was the last week of May, I hope I don't have an early winter set in. The caladium are wilted and the strawberries have stopped. Its getting cold.

Fingers crossed for a late summer bloom of heat before winter sets in!

2 Sep, 2013


A nice indian summer would be perfect.

8 Sep, 2013


And we are getting it! We had hard frost for three days and now nothing below 3 or 4. Every warm day from here out is really a lucky one.

13 Sep, 2013

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