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Future daphne area

Future daphne area

Area on south side of house next to garage. Looks like an ideal site for daphnes but the soil is absolute crap. I am going from rich loamy sand where over-watering is impossible to compacted sandy-clay. I don't like berms near walls because it seems unnatural but this is where my daphnes are going so it has to be built up first. Good news is all daphnes have survived being moved from ground to pots!

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Good luck!

22 May, 2012


I love Daphne's. It will be super having them all close to the house - The perfume is just fab-u-lous! Wish I'd planted mine closer but hey-ho you can't have everything eh? They are very happy where they are :o)))

22 May, 2012


As long as they are happy, that is all that matters! My daphnes love it where I am living now, all of them have thrived. Hopefully they do as well once they are moved. If you ever want more daphnes you should try some cuttings. For being such tempermental plants, they grow easily and quickly from cuttings!

23 May, 2012


Thanks Rkwright - I've Never tried cuttings, I'll have ago.

24 May, 2012

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