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Trellis made by ME!

Trellis made by ME!

I have been so so busy making and fixing this trellis for the whole of this week.

Comments on this photo


It looks lovely...

23 Sep, 2011


I love it too - thanks Franny I am so pleased with it.

23 Sep, 2011


What a brilliant job you've done! Well done, even Scott says it looks 'well tidy'!! :))

23 Sep, 2011


Oooer praise indeed! tell Scott I am pleased he is impressed.

23 Sep, 2011


Well done - it looks great.

25 Sep, 2011


Thank you Frybo it is lovely a little bit stark at the moment but next year it will have weathered a little and the roses will be climbing all over it (hopefully) lol. I am not painting it because the wood has been preserved and so doesn't need it and because I should not be able to make up my mind what colour to use. lol.

25 Sep, 2011


What a feat! And the garden is so natural, looks like it just sprung up out of no where. Love it.

25 Sep, 2011


Thank you Wells, it is a cottage garden style so that is a good comment to make, the garden is still full of colour even though we have had so little rain in our part of Lincolnshire.
We had rain this last two weeks so it has kept the later plants going for longer. Heatwave forecast though for this week temperatures soaring to 27 degrees, most unusual for this time of the year. Thanks again for looking at the pictures.

26 Sep, 2011


Why thank you Bilbo - hope you are well this morning, we have a beautiful day here in Lincolnshire hope the sun is shining for you too.

26 Sep, 2011


Wow double wow....Well done you...:))) and I love the type of trellis you've chosen....
Am off to get started, enjoy your day Barbara....x

27 Sep, 2011


You're a right old clever clogs! It looks brilliant Barbara, how long did you sit back and enjoy looking at it when you'd finished? Thats what I would have done, and your borders are still looking really colourful well done you!! x

27 Sep, 2011


thank you Crissue, glad you like it all. Do not work too hard it hurts you the next day, lol I am suffering today.

Morning Dido, was the OLD the most meaningful word. lol. I felt my age I can tell you when I had finished it. my legs, my back my knees, my THUMB ouch it is still very sore. lol. I am still sitting and looking at it I am so so pleased with the look. You make plans and wonder how they will appear when finished sometimes good sometimes bad but this has really improved the look of that border. Yes it has still got a lot of colour the Sedums and Asters to thank for that and I have left the Lysimachia stalks in place for now so it still looks fairly full. The little red rose is flowering its socks of still too. Hope you are enjoying this lovely autumnal weather we are getting, it helps keeping us cheerful especially when it is so nice and we can get out in the gardens. Have a good day (as they say in America) best wishes and thank you for your lovely comment - Barbara x

27 Sep, 2011


Iknow, I know as soon as I submitted my comment I knew you'd pick up on the "old" it was meant in an endearing way (you know I love you really!!) You really do deserve a big pat on the back, thats if your back is better now LOL You're an ispiration Barbara, I'm loving the weather, I too am making big changes to the garden so can relate to the aching limbs, but love it!! Hope to share them with you soon, back to the shovel LOL
Take Care speak soon

27 Sep, 2011


Looking forward to the photos Dido - oh and you are forgiven. thank you for your lovely comments, now do not do too much, I have finished off this morning and am off to supermarket next for groceries before oh sacks me. lol.

27 Sep, 2011


the gc is no where near, so shopping trolley is safe today Bilbo, lol. did buy two miniature roses from Morrisons though for a couple of gaps in the border. lol. I just had to have them, that was the first port of call before the food hall. lol. OH will be happy tonight I am doing his favourite for tea, well one of many of his favourites (Bangers and Mash) Hope you have had a good day today. The sun is shining and the garden is still glowing. Happy Gardening xx

27 Sep, 2011


Hi Barbara, how's your achey limbs....Ooh Bangers & Mash love it...:)))

Managed to get quite a bit done before the heat got too much, so was finished about 12 noon...have a couple more bits to do, just waiting for it to cool down a bit, or may even wait till morning...

Enjoy your meal....x

27 Sep, 2011


Limbs aching, but finished all I had to do and not much only boring housework to finish now. lol. It has been very warm here just finishing cooking dinner, it smells good. Having home grown kidney beans, fried onions and mushrooms with the bangers and mash, yum yum, my mouth is watering just talking about it. lol.

27 Sep, 2011


Sounds delish.... Have just replanted one shrub...had enough now, the rest can wait till tomorrow....
OH is baking bread, smells gorgeous...and a Pastry suprise...yummy...
Time for a Hot tub, and feet up, after dinner that is...signing off now...x

27 Sep, 2011


VERY nice, that must have taken a lot of hard work. Well done you!!!...

3 Oct, 2011


Thank you Bredakelly it was hard work, but well worth it.

4 Oct, 2011


Love it!!!! :))))))

7 Oct, 2011


Thank you Michaella, I love it too. It looks so nice, need to get another climber now for it, got four but there is room for one more.

7 Oct, 2011

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