The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

mistle thrush


By Sanbaz

mistle thrush

i think this is a mistle thrush as its bigger than a song thrush,let me know if im wrong here

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He/she is Gorgeous San :) Iv not seen my 2 4 ages now :(

4 Jan, 2010


thanx jacque this is the first time since summer, all fluffed up in the cold bless :o))

4 Jan, 2010


I do love to see them when they visit San their such Pretty Birds :)

4 Jan, 2010


yes they are jacque, but he/she didnt let any other birds near the apple lol, quite aggressive which i havent seen before

4 Jan, 2010


The 2 that sometimes visit me chase off all my other birds 2by diveing @ them 3 three different high spots in my Garden! My 2 Arches & My Linen Line Post! I wonder where they r this Winter ? :/

4 Jan, 2010


seems strange they arent there jacque, maybe you will see them soon, like i said this one only just come back today ;o)

4 Jan, 2010


My Bird numbers have dropped lots in my garden compared to last winter San ? Im wondering about alot of My Regulars :/ Iv only been seeing a pair Of Black Birds,1 Wood Pigeon,2 Doves ,2Blue Tits & 1 Wren over last few wks? :( Hope their all ok ?

4 Jan, 2010


i know what you mean, i have 3 blackbirds, blue tits, dunnock, 2 doves, robin and the thrush, apart from the greedy pigeons that is and starlings, oh and a few sparrows, maybe its to cold for some and sheltering somewhere more sheltered, only time will tell jacque, --5 here today when i got up bbbrrr

4 Jan, 2010


Maybe theyv all gone to Jane&Rays Garden "Bonkers" :) I know theyv lots of Birds there San :)

4 Jan, 2010


The birds in our garden have dropped in numbers this past year too. We have always bought black sunflower seed by the sack, sometimes four a year. But this year we've only bought smaller bags as the birds just aren't coming. We've tried changing the seed, different positions for the feeders. Even bought a new posh feeding station. Well, they've hardly been on it. Lovely photo Sanbaz

4 Jan, 2010


yes ive been getting sunflower seeds to pam and they have eaten them but not as many birds thats true, hope they come back soon, we have a sparrow hawk around which doesnt help, poor little birds, but its nature and survival isnt it
lol jacque, yes BB`s have them all there for the winter haha vacation for birds

4 Jan, 2010


I find the birds well them in my garden go for the sunflower hearts more than the black sunflower seed.

4 Jan, 2010


lovely pic Sandra

4 Jan, 2010


yes most do like sunflower hearts carol, its like having fillet steak instead of rump i guess lol i get both and the hearts always go first :o)
thanx deida :o))

4 Jan, 2010


Hes lovely Sanbaz

4 Jan, 2010


thanx maureen ;o)

4 Jan, 2010


What a beauty Sandra !

4 Jan, 2010


i really do like them, love their markings and so cute to jane or is it ray lol
jane normally calls me san and ray sandra, but not sure now as both names been used on thrush pics hahah im confused now :o))

4 Jan, 2010


Its Ray San !!! Lol Are you still confused ? Lol

4 Jan, 2010


lol you normally call me sandra and now you messed it all up hahah now how am i going to know who is who :o))

4 Jan, 2010


Will identify in future ! Lol By the way....its jane here...having a laugh !! Lol

4 Jan, 2010


doh! i thought it was at first then you got me lol, you stick to san then i will know hahah

4 Jan, 2010


Will do Sandra !!!!!! Lol

4 Jan, 2010


hahahah very good jane :o))

4 Jan, 2010


Sorry..wont do it again.Ray will be on tomorrow San as have a busy day at work and will be tired but sure he will not mess around like this !Lol

4 Jan, 2010


What a beauty, brilliant photo Sandra

4 Jan, 2010


Hi Jane, hope you're both OK. What's Ray been up to today, hope your first day was Ok.

4 Jan, 2010


its ok jane im all for a bit of fun :o))
thankyou dawn, nice to see you :o))

4 Jan, 2010


You must be so proud of this photo Sandra, hope you're Ok.

4 Jan, 2010


Hi Dawn got to work okay but late as roads slippy ! Ray been clearing snow today and putting down sharp sand.Salt ran out at all shops ! Dont know if will make any difference as more heavy falls forecast ! Hoping to get snowed in then no work ! Lol

4 Jan, 2010


keeps threatning here to jane so baz put grit and salt down was getting slippy on drive
im good thanx dawn and yes as pleased to get this pic right,

4 Jan, 2010


Oh dear Jane, its going on and on for you. The ideal scenario would be to have all the family in home safe, lots of food and drink shopped, plenty of heat indoors and then heaps of snow, perfect. What's the weather like in Blackpool Sandra.

4 Jan, 2010


He did right San...Dawn. Birds really going for it !

4 Jan, 2010


very cold here dawn with rain and sleet on and off, then its icing over night, not sure if we are getting any more snow, -5 this morning when i got up

4 Jan, 2010


You still here San? Jacques joined in ! Lol

4 Jan, 2010


im here jane, flitting from one to another lol

4 Jan, 2010


Me too..great fun ! Lol

4 Jan, 2010


Night night Dawn...lovely to chat with you tonight..xx

4 Jan, 2010


A real beauty San...and smashing pic....gone on faves!!

5 Jan, 2010


thankyou janey how kind ;o)

5 Jan, 2010


Hi Sandra, Your thrush could be a Fieldfare, which is a winter visitor, similar to a Mistle Thrush but with darker tail & wingtips. A side view should settle it.

8 Jan, 2010


really jb, i wonder, will look at my pics but not sure i have side view,, just looked it up on web and from what i can see mine has spotted front all the way down and they dont only part way, but i may be wrong

8 Jan, 2010


Either way, they're both impressive birds. Fieldfares also have a loud 'CHAK-CHAK' call.

9 Jan, 2010


yes they are both lovely birds and wouldnt mind either in my garden jb, i will listen out for that call to

9 Jan, 2010


Think you're right there San....the Mistle Thrush has that curved band on the side of the head which yours has....:o)

9 Jan, 2010


thanx janey i thought it was and ive looked up on pics and it does look right, :o)))

9 Jan, 2010


Yes....deffinitely a 'Mistler', on reflection. Look out for Fieldfares as well though. They both like our food in hard winters !

9 Jan, 2010


will do jb, now ive seen so many on here i want one to lol

9 Jan, 2010

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