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Sanvitalia "Aztec" (Gold)


By David

Sanvitalia "Aztec" (Gold)

In a hanging basket - explanation below.

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Sanvitalia is a wonderful trailing annual for hanging baskets. The "Aztec" series has many colours, and was pleased to find it in "gold".

It is a reference to the origins of chocolate, our Willy Wonka garden theme, and my fave crop plant - chilli.

Montezuma, 16thC Emperor of the Aztecs, drank vast quantiites of chilli-laced chocolate drink, and introduced it to Europe via Hernandes Cortes. Cortes killed Montezuma, a reference to which we still find in the saying "Montezuma's Revenge", mostly applied to very hot, curry-style dishes which incorporate chillis in their ingredients.

I have bulbs of an Asiatic lily, variety name "Montezuma", but it is now too late to plant them for blooming this year. I hope to get my own sweet (Montezuma's) revenge next year :-)

1 Aug, 2009


That looks great, a really vibrant colour! More choc info, great! That's it, I'm going to get some hot chocolate! Do you play their music in the garden?????

1 Aug, 2009


Hi, do you mean "Aztec Camera" or the Inca-style pan pipes? Not averse to either, but you have just added another dimension to our choc garden - music! "Only the crumbliest, flakiest chocolate..................(only thing which comes to mind right now!). :-)

1 Aug, 2009


I meant Hot Chocolate actually!!
But if you go to You Tube, look for the chocolate song! In fact I found loads of chocolate songs by googling song chocolate!

1 Aug, 2009


Touche! You're a real "Marvel" !

Do I really want to venture into that site? Have never visited "seriously" b4, except with the kids, and only for a few mins.

Have decided not to do, in case I may never be seen again!

1 Aug, 2009


Good choice of plant, David :o)

1 Aug, 2009


lovely plant David

1 Aug, 2009


Thank you. I saw the other week that Hywel (Blodyn) has this, too.

1 Aug, 2009


Lovely plant David and thanks for info ..heard the phrase but never knew the reason for it another fact that will probably be stored alongside algebra in my head .. I know I ve heard of it but dont ask me to explain lol

1 Aug, 2009


very pretty gone on my favourites so i can get it next year!

1 Aug, 2009


You're both very welcome!

Just so long as you've only just heard the phrase, Bb, and never experienced it, lol.

Sewingkilla, this long-lasting trailing plant should be readily available next Spring. We grew ours from a pack of Suttons seeds ordered via the Graden Centre here on GOY. Have also seen it available for mail order as plug plants, and even saw plug plants for sale in April in a local garden centre chain. Remember, this series is available in a few colours - red, purple, yellow and white (I think?). Once the plants get going, they are great. :-)

Madperth - time for a confession. I did go to youtube and play that "Chocolate Song"/dance, etc.,etc.Roly Poly Mammas, Holy Moly Pappas?????? Muchas gracias, lol

1 Aug, 2009


That's a lovely plant . I've got one and it's grown very big. Do you know if they can be kept over the winter David ?

2 Aug, 2009


Glad you liked it!!

2 Aug, 2009


Hi Hywel. I did see your pic a week or so ago, and yours is looking great, too. Unfortunately, it is just an annual trailer for baskets and containers, so it won't survive winter :-(

Perhaps, though, the seed can be collected, or it might self-seed, as many annuals do. I wonder, though, if would we get the same colour again?

Madperth - it was great for the laugh, and the kids enjoyed copying the dance "routine". Much prefer the group "Hot Chocolate", though - more my "era", lol!

2 Aug, 2009


Yep, mine too! Glad the kids enjoyed it!

2 Aug, 2009


i have this david trailing over my raised border,its so bright and sunny

4 Aug, 2009


I went to look see if you had a pic, Sandra, but didn't find one. I did find loads of other interesting ones in your gallery, though. :-)

5 Aug, 2009


hi david thanx for looking and im sure i have a pic if not i`ll add one if i get chance :o)) im back and yes its there when i first planted, think about page 9 second across

6 Aug, 2009


Found it, Sandra, many Thanks for letting me know, and for posting a new pic for me. :- )

6 Aug, 2009


your welcome david

7 Aug, 2009

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This photo is of "K. Plants in our "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" garden." in David's garden

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