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Memory (Peace  Rose)

Some years ago a very good friend of ours died. In her will she asked for no flowers at her funeral but told everyone to plant a peace rose in her memory We did this and it has been beautiful. We moved twice and I always took the rose with me rather than plant a new one. It blooms beautifully several times a year right outside our kitchen window and is a constant memory of a great lady.

Comments on this photo


Its Gorgeous DrB & so full of lovely Memorys :)

29 Jun, 2009


What a wonderful story to accompany this rose photo.
Lovely pic, Bob. :o)

29 Jun, 2009


Lovely Dr Bob .... she would be delighted :-)
Is it a climber? I would love a climbing rose. Maybe you could recommend a good variety.

29 Jun, 2009


Thanks Jacque and TT, it's a lovely way to be remembered by your friends, every time we go into the kitchen we see the rose waving in the breeze, so impossible to forget our friend. It is covered with buds so we will have loads of new flowers soon.
Dawn, thank you, this isn't a climbing rose, I am giving it some thought about which is a good one for you, what is your favourite colour?.

29 Jun, 2009


Lemon or pink :-)

29 Jun, 2009


its a beautiful rose doc, no doubt about it

29 Jun, 2009


Beautiful Doctorbob...lovely memorial to a good friend ..............

29 Jun, 2009


Its stunning...and very fitting.....

30 Jun, 2009


Thank you Mac, BB and Milky, it is certainly a good idea, this lady only liked to see living plants and didn't want flowers at her funeral that were going to be dead in a few days.

30 Jun, 2009


Wow thats stunning we also have a rose in memory of a loved one and she does us proud every year. Its nice to think about a certain person each time you see it.

1 Jul, 2009


Thank you Jewells,
There are four more blooms out today, even better and loads of buds.
I'm glad your rose does well it is a lovely idea.

1 Jul, 2009


wow you put a photo up bob lol very nice picture got to be said.sorry for taking the p*&%s only messing lol.hope your ok mate take care bye for now

6 Jul, 2009


OOH! Leigh, I'll let you get away with that one. It's my new digital camera you see, it got me going. I still prefer to look at the real thing though.

7 Jul, 2009


lol me to doc take care mate

7 Jul, 2009


Lovely rose and a lovely story too

19 Jul, 2009


Thanks again P P, it has loads of lovely blooms at the moment.

19 Jul, 2009


Lovely way to be remembered:-)

25 Aug, 2009


Yes, Bornagain, I think I might go in for it myself.

25 Aug, 2009


wow what a beautiful rose it is stunning.

6 Oct, 2009


Thanks Jewells.

6 Oct, 2009


What a lovely idea, you always have a lasting reminder of a dear friend!

4 May, 2010


i think thats a much better idea than cutting flowers for a funeral and you help keep life going on brilliant.

4 May, 2010


Yes Leigh, I agree with that, I am not a fan of cut flowers I like to see them in their natural habitat.

4 May, 2010


me to fully its not realy natural to have ya head chopped of

4 May, 2010


What a beautiful way to celebrate the passing of a loved one! My mum loved roses and this has now inspired me to bury her ashes in my garden then plant a rose there.

8 Jul, 2012


im going under a willow i planted a few years ago wear i used to play on some common land . i also walk my dogs there etc . how are ya doc ? i hope your well mate . take care bye for now . ps my mum has a blue rose my dad always liked when he was alive .

8 Jul, 2012


Thank you Rosegit, and that is a good idea.
Hi Leigh, I'm well thank you, hope you are. That sounds good going under a willow you planted, me I am having my ashes thrown over a cliff in Dorset where I used to climb around in my youth. I'm not going to worry about people being able to visit.
Sorry I've been so long answering your posts we were away visiting our Daughter and Son-in-Law in Sark and now I am trying to catch up as everything has gone mad in the rain.

13 Jul, 2012


ow dont worry its just nice to here your ok mate .

13 Jul, 2012

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