By tricia_watts
I have never grown these plants before and was tempted to buy them for their bright colourful flowers and fragrance.
I have got the plug plants. How long do I grow them on for before planting out.
Gardening is a bit of trial and error at the moment.
The new greenhouse looks like a jungle……attack of the tomato plants..
We are very enthusiastic amateurs thanks for any help
21 Aug, 2009
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Next post: Monarda planted
If they are very small, then pot them up and let them settle in the pots. I wouldn't plant them out this year unless your weather is mild. I think I'd keep them potted up in a coldframe until the spring, to be safe.
Welcome to GOY from me as well - and Moon grower is right, a question gets a quicker response, normally!
21 Aug, 2009
Welcome to GOY from me aswell.
21 Aug, 2009
Welcome from me also
21 Aug, 2009
Thank you to Moon Grower.Sprizhenry,Clarice and Donnah
for your advice. Will take. And a big Hello to you all.
All the tomatoes are very green so we have been eating bananas so that we could hang the empty skins on the tommy plants to help them ripen. Is this just an old wives tale...........? Has anybody else heard of this?
21 Aug, 2009
Yes, indeed - I always put my last green tomatoes in a drawer or a bag with a ripe banana. It gives off a gas which helps to ripen the tomatoes! I THINK it's ethylene...sure someone will put me right if that's the wrong name. :-)
21 Aug, 2009
Hi Tricia...good to hear from you...yes I have heard of the banana thing & anything's worth a try!! Even my green toms have finally started to's just a patience thing!
21 Aug, 2009
Hope the sunshines tomorrow, goodnight all !!!!!
21 Aug, 2009
Good Morning!
And it is at the moment. The sky is blue and the sun is shining. The lawn mower is out and ready to go. Just waiting for the grass to dry.
Dead heading job today and putting some more top soil into the ground for the Monardas. Hope they will be okay as the ground here has a lot of clay in it.
Think we will have breakfast outside brrrrr.
22 Aug, 2009
Well - you ARE lucky! It's cloudy here AGAIN.....:-(
Are you sure that the Monardas are big enough, with large roots balls? I still think they'd be better in pots for a few weeks, to let them get stronger and established, Tricia!
22 Aug, 2009
Hello Spritzhenry,
I have put the Monardas into 6 inch pots and put them into the greenhouse as u suggested.Haven't got round to the soil yet. It has been an absolute glorious day here, so dead headed, mowed and sat and did the 'take a break' puzzles. We live close to the sea so what with the seagulls squarking overhead and the sun blazing down it felt just like being on holiday!!!!!!
Back to reality tomorrow.
I have been looking at your pics. What a beautiful place u have. You must be kept busy all year round..
I thought the dog was called 'Spritzhenry' until I saw the flower LOL. We have a black lab called 'Murphy' not after a flower but that good irish drink called Guiness.
Bye for now.
22 Aug, 2009
Hi Tricia, Welcome to GoY
I hope you are successful with your monardas.
I sewed the seeds last spring and they came up fine but due to circumstances beyond my controll I haven't been able to look after my garden properly this year , and they all died. Well I shall try again next year. They are lovely plants.
23 Aug, 2009
Goodmorning Hywel, Thanks for your message.
I keep changing my mind where to put these plants. I want to put them in the front in between the roses. The roses are quite woody but I am loathe to dig them out as they have beautiful perfumed flowers.
I thought these may conceal the woody part.
Then I thought to put them in large planters and put them down the side of a blank fence.
I have a tarmac path wich I want to convert to grass. Would it be okay do you think to cover this in soil and sew grass seeds?
I will ask this on questions also.
24 Aug, 2009
Good morning Moon grower,
I have just seen your answer on question time - removing tomato leaves. Just going out now to attack the jungle with scissors.....might get some ripe tomatoes now
24 Aug, 2009
I think if you want to cover the path with soil it would be a good idea to break the tarmac up first - this would allow better drainage. It might be even better to remove the tarmac, or at least some of it.
Maybe someone else will give you a better answer. I'm no expert but that's what I would do.
24 Aug, 2009
Thanks Moon grower, bamboo and Hywel.....seemed a good idea at the time.....will have to do the job properly...certainly dont want soggy yelloe grass.
24 Aug, 2009
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16 Nov, 2008
Hi Tricia and welcome to GoY - you will get more and quicker answers to your query if you post it as a question rather than a blog
21 Aug, 2009