Shrubs with the 'WOW' factor.
By spritzhenry
WOW! I said when I first came across a Coprosma. It was a beauty – called ‘Karo Red’. I think I fell for these lovely shrubs at that moment.
Their common name is the ‘Mirror Plant’ and that definitely describes part of their attraction. Each Coprosma, and there are many different ones in the C. repens group, has very glossy leaves. Like the leaves on C.’Beatson’s Gold’.
Each Coprosma in my small collection has differently variegated leaves and colours. I have two red ones: ‘Rainbow Surprise’…
…and ‘Fireburst’ which is even brighter.
I liked this one so much that I have two of them!
‘Evening Glow’ is completely different in colour. It still has the distinctive ‘mirror finish’ on its leaves, though!
But my favourite (until I find a new one, LOL) has to be ‘Lemon ’n’ Lime’.
I planted one in the back garden and liked it so much that I bought another one! They are like little patches of sunshine.
I have no idea how many more there are of this species, but I shall be keeping my eyes open for new ones, you can be sure of that!
I can hear some questions… How big do they get? Answer – not very – up to three feet maximum. Are they hardy? Answer – not very – I have a little ‘Karo Red’ under a cloche to keep it safe from frost. I did lose one last year because I didn’t protect it when it was a baby. If you are in a cold area, I think you’d be better growing these lovely shrubs in pots and giving them winter protection.
Here’s the first one I planted after two years in the garden – it’s pretty safe now it has grown bigger and it hasn’t suffered in its sheltered corner.
So now you know why I call my Coprosmas the shrubs with the WOW! factor – and they have it all year round! They glow in the flowerbeds at this time of year when colour is so important in the garden.
10 Dec, 2008
Previous post: A very cold day in Somerset.
Next post: Winter Interest in the garden - part 1 - Evergreens.
Hi Spritz,
We also have 'Karo red' and it has developed into a lovely structural plant. After four years it gives us lots of interest all year round, but above all it gives good winter colour and texture.It's very happy growing in its large pot and has survived a severe pruning over several years to prevent it from becoming too 'woody and tall'
If you go on line to the 'RHS plantfinder' and scroll down there are lots of other named varieties of coprosmas.Unfortunately they have not included photos.
We have it growing close to Sambucus nigra in our chocolate/brown foliage area. We spike up the colour of our coprosma and underplant it with chocolate and orange lilies in the summer months and it looks spectacular.
10 Dec, 2008
Wow, Grenville, that colour combination sounds great.
Looking forward to your picture, Arlene when more flowers appear. No pressure. Whenever time is right to take the photo. :o) Good blog title Spritz.
10 Dec, 2008
I will post up a photo next year when the lilies are in full bloom.I also want to add some some 'Daylilies' next year as well, as I think they will add to the colour and texture and provide some exotic pattern to contrast with the other dark shiny foliage.
10 Dec, 2008
Sounds wonderful.
Are Daylilies the ones where lots of powdery bits fall off, or am I confusing them with another flower ?
10 Dec, 2008
These are lovely Spritz, if they can be grown in pots I must look out for one. Just love that glossy foliage.
Grenville, your colour combo sounds lovely, look forward to pictures.
10 Dec, 2008
There are a lot of plants native to New Zealand with attractive foliage. When I was there on holiday three years ago, we visited several gardens but my favourite was one where there were practically no flowers and all the effects had been created with foliage. Everyone else on the trip complained about the lack of blooms though :-(
10 Dec, 2008
Heathens!! complaining about the lack of blooms, these coprosmas are fantastic, pretty new to the UK market, but i found 3 different varieties in B&Q, I love them and particularly the shiny leaves. They are slightly tender, but I'm sure that the UK gardening public will find a way to keep them looking perky. I am trying a hedge of Coprosma Repens Pink Splendour at the moment, i suppose a bit similar to Rainbow Surprise and Fireburst
10 Dec, 2008
I shall have to take a look in B&Q! You have one that I haven't got! Which ones did they have at B&Q????
10 Dec, 2008
They are lovely plants SpitzH. And they look so healthy. :o)
11 Dec, 2008
those plants are really brill, will be looking for some myself, next time i go to B-Q.
11 Dec, 2008
These are lovely allyear round interest shrubs , beautiful colours , I will be looking out for " Lemon and Lime " it,s gorgeous Spritz !
11 Dec, 2008
They also had Karo or Kiwi Red, which looks black and green. I also got some from The Duchy of Cornwall Nursery, they definitely do Pink Splendour. I have seen some at the Botanics in Ventnor which have much bigger leaves than even Karo Red and are shiny green, not too sure of the variety, but if you are longing for that in your garden Spritz, I can bring one with me................your wish is my command!! you may already have it but you never know??
11 Dec, 2008
You've read the blog, Arlene! That's the lot. Yes, PLEASE is the answer!!!
11 Dec, 2008
Wow what fantasic plants, Spritz, i can really see why you like them so much, i don't have any, but i really like 'Evening Glow' truely stunning, oh dear, why did you go writing this blog, the day before my trip to the nursery lol - just putting far too many ideas in my head now!
11 Dec, 2008
OOOOPPPS!!!! I am sorry Andrea! I just noticed that I typed 'Arlene' instead of 'Andrea'. Got over-excited at your offer - put it down to a 'senior moment' please... sorry again. :-(
11 Dec, 2008
Good title, even better plants.
In CA. we grew them. Not so in the Pacific Northwest. Nearly all the cultivars you list are totally unfamiliar to me. That lemon/Lime one is a real eye opener.
WOW indeed.
12 Dec, 2008
I am so sorry Spritz for giving you false hope about a new variety. The Coprosma I have for my dwarf hedge is 'Fireburst' not 'Pink Splendour', I must have had a senior moment myself!!
I'm still sure there may be something of interest at the Botanical Gardens and when their nursery opens again next year i'll go and take a look for you. If not I'll bring something interesting.....................
12 Dec, 2008
I haven't heard of these plants but I want one now. I like 'evening glow'.
12 Dec, 2008
I looked at the RHS Plantfinder but of course they only list them by name, no pictures. I wouldn't want to buy one without seeing it!
12 Dec, 2008
I have a bronzey one called Pacific Knight but definitely fancy Evening Glow!
12 Dec, 2008
Would it be possible to post a photo of it, please, Arlene? I've seen this in the Plantfinder - so I could order it mail order if I liked yours! :-)
12 Dec, 2008
Sprtiz, these are beautiful...adds a lot of color and with that shine also adds some glitz..thanks for sharing those wonderful pictures and identifying the variety..
12 Dec, 2008
I have never seen these before, Spritz. They are, indeed, lovely plants!
12 Dec, 2008
~ will see what I can do tomorrow~ weather permitting!
12 Dec, 2008
David - you might have problems with your cold weather! Definitely one for a pot in Scotland!
12 Dec, 2008
I do have some photos of what I now know is Pink Splendour and Kiwi Red on my blog about Front garden project
15 Dec, 2008
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Oh I do like the orange and green one!Wow!It's more deep peach!
I have bought a dark peach Schlumbergera from Wyevale and it is just starting to bloom~will put a picture on when I have more flowers!
10 Dec, 2008