By spherr
ok ok, I know they are not all garden photos, but they are the nearest I can get at the moment as I do not have a garden.
I found this website when looking for help and wanted to enter into the spirit of things.
Everyone else has such amazing piccies that I wanted to join in. I think this site is great as everyone seems to be so friendly and helpful. A big thank you to those of you who answered my request for help with my 3 Salix, 2 of which got hit by the sun in the heatwave. They are currently residing in A&E (more commonly known as “the potting shed”) where they are indeed shooting out all over the place. What great advice from you guys……THANK YOU.
I manage a nursery you can see by the piccie that the staff have a habit of not shaving every day lol
Staff? No it’s only me working there so I made up a grand title for myself!!!!
20 Jul, 2009
More blog posts by spherr
Previous post: Wow rain!
Love your staff and welcome to you both............
21 Jul, 2009
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16 Nov, 2008
Welcome to GoY Sphrr. Glad to see you joining in, I like the assortment of photos makes a change from flower pics.
Even though you don't have a garden at least you can get your plant 'fix' at the nursery, hope the staff are behaving :o)
21 Jul, 2009