Nemasys Caterpillar And Codling Moth Killer
Garden Centre > Garden & Growing Essentials > Pest Control > Poisons

If ordered on its own Nemasys is posted 1st class therefore we only charge £1 for postage and packaging Caterpillars, the larval stage of several butterfly and moth species, cause damage to many plants and crops. The other parts of the butterfly / moth life cycle i.e. egg , pupae and adults do not harm plants, with the butterflies mainly feeding on nectar. The damage caused by caterpillars can resemble holes in the leaves or ragged edges to the leaves. Damage can be severe and plants can be disfigured by large amounts of caterpillar excrement. What damage do caterpillars and codling moth do and how do I recognise it?: Cabbage White Caterpillars can decimate a vegetable plot, especially brassicas or ornamental beds, especially nasturtiums. The Large Cabbage White feeds mainly on the outer leaves leaving holes and sometimes completely stripping leaves. The Small Cabbage White feeds mainly on the hearts of cabbages and other brassicas. By the time that the fruit is ready for picking the Gooseberry Sawfly can completely strip the leaves of the fruit bushes leaving them severely. The Codling Moth feeds on the core of the fruit of apples and pear and to a lesser extent walnut and quince. When they have eaten the fruit they exit leaving a small reddish brown hole in the skin with brown droppings know as frass. Upon cutting the fruit find that there is very little left that can be eaten. To control caterpillar infestations safely. To control caterpillars apply as soon as the caterpillars are first seen applying to all leaf surfaces where the pest is present. Make sure to spray pests with a solution as caterpillars not directly sprayed will not be controlled. To control Codling Moths apply September to October to the trunk of the tree/main branches and to an area of soil equal to the tree cover above. Wet the area before applying the nematodes and apply with a pump sprayer so that all areas are treated. The pack contains sufficient for two further applications at 5 to 7 day intervals, this ensures that all hatchings are targeted. The nematodes (Steinernema carpocapsae), attack the pest by entering natural body openings. Once inside, they release bacteria that stops the larvae from feeding, quickly killing it and breaking the pest's lifecycle. This pack to treat 3 x 40m2 of open ground or up to 20 trees. Please note this product may take a day or two more than ther lead time given this is as we do not d
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