Wildflowers For Attracting Bumble Bees (Wildflower Plug Plant Colle...
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This wonderful collection of 13 varieties of wild plug plants is perfect for attracting bumble bees. By encouraging bumble bees in to your garden they will return the favour by pollinating your flowers, fruit and vegetables giving you an excellent set on your blossom. They are natures most industrious and harmless workers, never swarming and most don't have stings either. The plugs will arrive in a tray of 104 plants and cover an area of approximately 21m², planting 5 plants per 1m².The plugs are young plants, not seedlings, and cost just over 64 pence each. Each individual plug's root volume is approximately 55cc, with a diameter of 36mm and a depth of 60mm. The top growth will depend on the variety and the time of year.Below is what you can expect in your collection, depending on availability.Rock rose, Helianthemum nummularium - 15cm tall with bright yellow flowers
Cowslip, Primula veris - 10-15cm bunches of yellow flowers in May-June
Betony, Stachys officinalis - 30cm tall with magenta flowers
Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea - 100-200cm tall with spires of purple red blooms
Birdsfoot trefoil, Lotus corniculatus - 15-30cm tall with yellow, pea-like flowers
Clustered bellflower, Campanula glomerata - 15-30cm tall with purple flowers in late summer
Blue fleabane, Erigeron acer - 30-40cm tall biennial/perennial, with blue and yellow flowers
Harebell, Campanula rotundifolia - 15-30cm tall with dainty blue flowers
Hedgerow cranesbill, Geranium pyrenaicum - 25-60cm tall perennial with magenta summer flowers
Marjoram, Origanum vulgare - 30cm tall with pink flowers above rosettes of aromatic leaves
Red clover, Trifolium pratense - 20-40cm tall with red, nectar-rich flowers
White clover, Trifolium repens - 10-15cm creeping perennial with white flowers, often with a hint of pink
Wood forget-me-not, Myosotis sylvatica - 30-50cm tall hairy perennial of woods with bright blue flowers
Plug planting tool
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