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Herb Seeds Watercress

Garden Centre > Seeds & Bulbs > Vegetable seeds & Bulbs > watercress

Herb Seeds - Watercress

Herb Seeds Watercress


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A delightful salad plant either by itself or tossed with other salad ingredients and delicious with cheese. The dark green peppery flavoured leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals including vitamin C and iron.

Although usually grown commercially in water it can be grown in the garden soil provided it is given plenty of water. This item will crop from early summer till around Christmas if protected with cloches.

You can also grow it in a container in a saucer of water. Sow the seeds in mid spring when the soil has warmed up in very shallow drills spread 7.5cm apart and cover with a light covering of soil.

As regular watering is necessary you may wish to have your drill at the bottom of a small trench approximately 8-10cm deep for easier watering. To grow in a container plant 3-4 to a 30cm tub or pot and stand in a container with about 2-3 of water in the shade.

Thin out the seedlings finally to 10cm apart and water regularly and copiously throughout the season. Keep weed free and harvest once the plants have become well developed by trimming off tops of the shoots with sharp scissors.

Quantity: 500 seeds

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