November flowers
By seaburngirl
This has been an odd year, what with the weather and the flowers not ‘reading the books’.
Plants that are flowering ‘according’ to plan are as follows:
Nerine bowdenii, 5 bulbs planted 10+ years ago.
Mahonia ‘Sir Lionel Fortescue’ is multi stemmed and is now about 12 ft tall.
A white Cyclamen that is a seedling from a named variety that I lost 15 yrs ago.
However, there are several plants still offering colour with extra seasonal flowers.
Vinca ‘Jenny Pym’
Centaurea pulcherrima ‘Major’
Lamium ‘Pink Pewter’
Anemone ‘September Charm’
Campanula ex ‘Birch Hybrid’: it has self seeded all over but is easy to pull out when it gets out of hand.
One of 9 flowers still blooming on this lovely rose: ‘New Dawn’
Many/all garden centers and supermarkets are selling bedding cyclamen, that we know, as gardeners, are never fully hardy outside, but they do bring colour in the autumn and early winter months. However over the years I have selected scented ones for growing in the cool conservatory.
The plants in the next 2 photos are now 5 years old and scenting the room well.
11 Nov, 2023
Previous post: Mid September in the garden
Next post: January '24 coming to an end.
lovely flowers , I tried to add some more this season. Cyclamen I always kill off saldy . Vinca are wonderful . A very mild sort of year without being over hot so plants have thrived . Our hebe is flowering now
12 Nov, 2023
yes Cottagekaren, but usually the pale pinks. Never found the red or white ones scented at all. I also have some in the entrance space that when the doors are kept shut [hubby take note!] make it smell wonderful. I do get funny looks when I pick pots up to sniff.
Thats interesting Paul as I think we have had some pretty hot weather. Also some very wet and cool weather. It has made going out on the motorbike rather erratic.
Hebes are lovely, I haven't grown them for years.
12 Nov, 2023
The Nerines are beautiful Seaburn and I have just got some and hope I don't have to wait 10 years or I may never see them! lol
I loved the Mahonia and have not heard of that one before.
I didn't know you could get a scented cyclamon, but I think my conservatory would be too hot for one.
You still have a lot of colour in your garden.
Thanks for sharing.
12 Nov, 2023
Love the selection of flowers Seaburngirl I especially like the cyclamen and nerines - I don't seem to have much luck with Nerines I have tried them in pots and straight into the ground with not a great deal of success
12 Nov, 2023
Some beautiful flower still in your garden, SBG! The Nerines in particular make a great "statement"! I saw a big clump yesterday as I was going downtown to do a bit of shopping & I thought I really must get some for the balcony - one day! I often think the same of the 'Lily of the Nile' (Agapanthus) when they are in flower! 😆
12 Nov, 2023
Really lovely pinks, mauves and lilac hues. You've a wealth of lovely colour and pretty selection/variety there, Eileen.
I've a few cyclamen on the rockery which I leave outside all year. They're quite sheltered fortunately. Seem to do okay 🤞
I agree, quite a mixed bag of weather we've had this year..
12 Nov, 2023
Plenty of attractive colourful plants still Eileen. I had no idea that Cyclamen could be scented - sounds great 🙂.
12 Nov, 2023
Lots of colour there, Sbg. I have seen Cyclamen like yours thriving in peoples porches. They obviously need that protection in the cold weather. That is a nice Vinca that you have & a lovely clump of Nerines. I like the Mahonia too. Mine is in bud still & a different variety.
13 Nov, 2023
I bought 1 Galvanized Raised Garden Beds to grow flowers. I hope to get at least a portion of the beauty of your flower garden :)
17 Nov, 2023
Nice cyclamen. I got interested in those about three years ago when I could not get out into the garden. I ordered seed and that is a long process waiting for germination, then leaves and flowers. Of 35 different species and cultivars that I sowed, only two have flowered so far. A lot of waiting is required! I did buy one of the florist-type cyclamen that is now entering it's 3rd Christmas season, and it has bloomed since purchase! I really thought it would go dormant!
22 Nov, 2023
I admire your tenacity, Bowl-you, my patience isn't bad but I don't think I could wait 3 years for 2 out of 35 seeded species to flower! That said, I am proud to have kept a small cyclamen flowering each year for 14 years. It was a gift from my Mother to my daughter's best friend who was living with us at Christmas in 2009, the lass isn't green fingered and asked me to care for it for her. It's home has been my N.E. facing bedroom windowsill where it seems to be very happy.
24 Dec, 2023
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7 Nov, 2023
Scented Cyclamen? Wow! It has been an odd year, but tbh I haven’t had time to dwell on it. We have been so hectic since the Spring! Somehow the weather has just gone right over my head this year! It’s actually been nice as I am usually so focused on it.
11 Nov, 2023