Black ants .
By rick_n
I have been watching them for a couple of months now on a couple plants especially the strawflowers and sunflowers to see if the black ant is beneficial to the plants . They are not hurting the plants as far as I can see . I have read about the ants relationship with the aphids which is great at keeping the aphids at bay . In spring when all my plants were saps the ants came into the kitchen which was annoying especially for the wife . Since mid spring they rarely come into the kitchen . So I think they are beneficial to the plants . So my advice is to leaf them be .
24 Jul, 2021
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They're all under my patio at the moment, throwing up all the sand infill!
24 Jul, 2021
This year must be the worse I've known for ants. I have a lot of pots and they disturb the soil round the roots leaving air pockets. Some plants can wilt and die. They might be no trouble in the garden but they certainly are a problem to plants in pots.
25 Jul, 2021
Agree, Thorney. They're in all my acer pots. Not sure what to do about them..
25 Jul, 2021
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12 Feb, 2009
I agree they tend not to do much harm. also many ants help to disperse seeds of several plants.
24 Jul, 2021