Anyone live near Ipswich Suffolk? Entrance £2 per car + free seeds, comps and
By Tussiemussie
Nr Rye, East Sussex,
United Kingdom
Looks like some fine flowers and veggies to see at Thompson and Morgan trial grounds, new varieties.....
Here is the link
I can't get there but I thought some folk here might be able to and then tell us all about it?
11 Jul, 2007
Thanks Tussie, am working on the saturday but will try to get there on sunday. I am only about half an hour away from Ipswich, will let you know how it goes.
15 Jul, 2007
Here is the link if you want to preview, will look forward to hearing about it.
15 Jul, 2007
Oh no! if this wasnt the busiest weekend for me I would be there like a shot as I am native to that part of the world and Mum still lives nearby..... I hope someone makes it for the specials
11 Jul, 2007